Tuesday 12 May 2009

This is it.. STRIKE ah!!! .. hahaha

Jus like the previous.. i did my test again n again... jus to make sure it is 'POSITIVE'

This was tested on 11 May 2009 7.15pm.. Hubby keep buggin me to test it again.. i insist to do it only tml morning :)

This was tested this morning 12 May 2009 6.30am.. Hubby was so happy to see this..

He keep telling shawn.. "you goin to b ko ko le"... bugging me to let my mil know.. but i insist not to.. but i doubt he can cover his mouth la.. jus wait to see lol..

Was so glad we can b successful in first mth try. Hoping to get a Ox2010 bb. Still duno when will b my edd.. base on LMP.. EDD sld b first wk of 2010.. so might jus fall back in Dec09.. who know.. Will update here once i have my first gynea visit :)

Now.. lots of planning need to b done.. was discussing with hubby.. where will shawn b slping by then?? I plan to put shawn to childcare when he reach 18mths.. (but feel so bad.. to let him to go into childcare at so young..) etc etc..

How to make shawn accept another di di or mei mei?? Need experience mummies advice... Pls help...


  1. Congratulations ! =) really happy for u , very good news

  2. dun worry, the younger the age of the elder sibling when the younger sibling is born, the easier it is to accept =) just like kelicia, no sibling rilvary , only curosity

  3. Young as in how young?? i hope shawn will not treat his sibling like to pepper.. he catch hold of peppe tail n smile at us leh.. big bully lol.. pepper got to ran away from him ah

  4. the gap between mine is 9 months =) urs is 14 months bah, should be ok , pass a toy to Shawn at the hospital when u deliver and tell him it is fr his newly arrived sibling :) tat will make him feel good i think, a lot of books said that

  5. so nice to be preggie..i miss my maternity leave =p

  6. okok.. will do tat.. hope i rmb ah.. hehe..

  7. haha, i wish also, not possible, always using C

  8. haha.. tats not 100% safe de wo.. got chance de.. keke..

    Jas - Thks :)

  9. haha, we shall see..tat will be a super nice surprise

  10. congrats~! so happy for u... 2010 is what animal sign?

  11. Congratz claudia!! :)
    Siblings rivalry is unavoidable. So be cool! definitely to manage 2 kids is not easy.. just like me.. i look after them myself in the initial stage.
    They fight, they snatch, they hug and they kiss! This is all growing up! Just keep a cool mind and watch them grow!
    Huge congratz to u. I wish that i could cuddle another NB but... 2 girls is enough! hahahaha more then enough to handle.

  12. congrats! 2nd news i heard today. made me feel wistful abt 2nd one too! hahahahah

  13. Congrats!!! Too bad we can't be pregnant together.. haha

  14. Thanks ladies..
    2010 after cny is Tiger.. i aim for Ox2010.. b4 cny :)
    Looking like everyone still looking forward to next pregncy wo... jus do it la... then we can all join Jan10 together again.. hee :)

  15. oh OX.. so nice to be preg again. Enjoy ur process!

  16. :) ya.. must treasure hor.. mayb the last preg le wo..

  17. Hi Congrats!!!!!!!! Do take care.

  18. heez... congrat ah!! heez...happy to hear that!! saw your reply den came here see den know u got ur sec one le.. heez.. happy for u ..=)

  19. hehe... thanks celyn..

    Thanks shan :)
