Wednesday 31 March 2010

Shawn kana HFMD

Haven't been updating my blogs for a while since I was bck to work. Was busy coping with work n family. With two kids ard, it's nvr as easy s b4.

31 march 2010
I was so happy it's Roy 3 mth old tdy. And yet another shocking news come by while I was rushing a report at ofc this morning. @10.30am, I received a call from teacher angelina telling me tat she suspect Shawn got HFMD. She need me to pick him up asap n go doc.

I was so shocked to hear tat. As I jus send him there 3 hrs ago. So I quickly call hubby, n told him. N I continue to tidy up the FS and told my boss abt it. My boss is very understanding. He ask me to go n let him take over with the report. I printed out a draft n hang over everything to him b4 I rush back home.

Reach home at 10,45am. I quickly check on Roy. So worry he kana oso. Hubby had oso reach home. We quickly went down to pick Shawn.

Poor thing. He was separates from the rest of the kids n he tot he was being punished. Was crying when we reach the Sch. Saw his palm n foot. We decided to go nearby GP.

Shawn was still energetic. Playing and ran abt in the clinic. Doc say his is mild now. His got ulcer inhis mouth Liao. Luckly fever still not put yet. We gotto monitor.

He got mc from Sch for 8 days. N upon recover, we will need to bring him back to doc to certifiy tat he is fit for Sch then he can go back. I hope he can go back by next Monday.

We decided to bring roy back to my mum place. Hoping Roy can escape from all this, ofcos I wld need yo b with Roy at my mum place.

I miss Shawn so much. Wonder how's him now. Hb mms me a pic of his hand. Got worst Liao. Hai...

Jus got to pray tat Roy will b fine now n Shawn pls recover soon.

First day 31 Mar 2010

Day 2 (1Apr2010) .. it got worst... Sad

Monday 22 March 2010

Shawn's First Progress report book

This is Shawn's first progress report book.

Shawn come back with a big red bag of stuffs last Friday. MIL pass it over to me and i was surprise to see that. Its a bag of shawn assessment for Term1 and his report book inside.

I took it out to read. Shawn have quite good comment from his English and chinese teachers. Expect he got to improve in sharing and playing with his frens. Quite a list of items he still yet accomplish but i am sure he is catching up soon.

I look at all the assessments he had done over the pass few mths. WOW!! i didnt know he can do that. He can do pasting and do some coloring. Well Done Boy!!!

Looking at the report book, i was so excited being first time parent to sign on my OWN SON's report book. Then come my Hubby remind me that at least it is not in RED. (WHAHAHA) So we decided i will sign this report and he will sign if it come out RED in future.. :P

Back to Work ... 22 Mar 2010

I m back to work.. one wk earlier then planned.. cos one client need a report urgently.. Miss my boys.. yet.. feel more relax at work..

Ride to work ... after so long i didn ride.. everything still the same.. jus hope it dun rain later..

Its 4.05pm now.. managed to pump twice tdy liao.. will pump again at 4.30pm.. since my lunch time pump at 2pm..

is like back to my PUMPING session in ofc.. starting all over again.. with dual pump.. at least less time consuming.. n easier..

Sunday 14 March 2010

@TheGym on 14Mar2010

14Mar2010 @ TheGym tampines

manage to get a free trial at their welcome day.. 4-5pm slot..

shawn dun wana go in at first.. but i try to encourage him.. tell him to go inside to play the big ball etc.. he agreed..

end up he was rannin ard the whole session.. even refuse to leave at the end.. must carry him.. n quickly leave the place..

they price at 8wks session @ $340.. plus one freeplay everywk..

haven decide whether to let him go n play or not.. If only we r rich.. whahaha..duno need to thk so much.. jus go play ba.. :)

12Mar2010 - Present Time..

we give him the present jus b4 he go to bed..

look at how excited he the presents..

12Mar2010 - Birthday cake from Da Jiu (My elder brother)

Da Jiu went chomp pang to get shawn a bday cake..

Cos my mum say cant blow candle twice.. hence we skip tat.. n jus cut n eat.. plus sing him the bday song..

12Mar2010 - Lunch cum high tea at Jurong point

Went Jurong Point to have our late lunch after outing at the Bird Park..

Shawn was tired n become so cranky.. make daddy so busy..heng got wai po ard to 'protect' him.. else daddy surely smack him liao.. hee

12Mar2010 - shawn 2nd bday @ Bird Park

We didn get to go to the bird park on chu er.. hence i decided to bring him there on his bday.. he have a wonderful day there..

Went to fatch my mum at 8plus.. n since my mum is going too.. so i bring Roy along..

shawn oso like to bring roy go out gai gai.. he is a good kor kor who loves di di..
will give di di his cho cho when di di cry or slp...

reach bird park at 10 plus.. jus abt time to watch the bird show..

left the park at 2plus..

Thursday 11 March 2010

Shawn's 2nd birthday celebration

Celebrate in his sch at 4pm.. with his frens.. n teachers.

His barney cake from Prima Deli.. 1.5kg..

Went to pick my mum after her work.. at 2pm.. then head to compasspoint to eat lunch at BK then collect cake..

reach shawn sch at 3.50pm.. all the kids sitting ard the table waiting for the cake le..

Shawn was so surprise to c Wai Po and i.. sing him bday song.. cut cake..

Can c shawn do enjoy himself.. hope our outing tml will b even more fun to him

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Angry with hubby

On 8mar .. Out of sudden I had very bad headache since evenin.. I pop in paracentamol.. Hopin by nite I will b fine.. But it wasn't better.. Told hubby I bth liao.. Reali need rest..

Roy was fussy tat day too.. He was havin fever.. N I had given him fever medicine at 2 pm.. By nite.. I give another round since his fever still at 37.9degree.. N he refuse to slp.. Hubby tried so hard to coax him to slp.. Not til I five him grip water.. He started to fart.. Then I thk it release his bloated stomach.. N get to slp..

Hubby did try to help.. But he soon loss his patient n was kind of rough in handling Roy.. Which give me no choice but to take over.. Butt headace was killing me.. N yet after I take over.. Tat idiot go to bed.. Sleep n snoring all the way beside me..

Dun he know I m not feel well.. He jus let me suffer like tat alone... Sittin there alone.. Feedin bb.. With the headache.. I reali feel like goin back yishun to get my mum help..

For tat.. I refuse to talk to him at all til now.. Not even reply his SMS.. He ask whether m I better.. I refuse to reply.. Dun see ways the point of askin now.. Since he can jus ignore me when I m reali in pain.. Now ask for wat..

But at this moment (10mar 12.30am) ... Siting here lookin tat idiot beside me.. Then cold war so... Wat do I expect rite.. He apologise?? Or continue not talkin?? I kind of childish rite.. Can't carry on like this ma... So sld I talk to him tml mornin when he kiss me goodbye??...

Sunday 7 March 2010

Feb2010 - All About Roy

He really grow so much.. for just few wks.. he had gain weight and look so different from birth..

Pre bday celebration - 7Mar2010

Shawn's jiu jiu wana bring him to play.. hence we decide for indoor playground.. went Kallang leisure park.. but peek-a-poo was too crowded.. so we head to turf club fidget ... this time with jiu jiu n yi yi ard.. shawn has more fun... n i m not preg liao ma.. can climb ard with him.. he enjoy it very much ... was scare to climb at first.. by the time he wana climb ard.. is abt 6pm liao.. closing lol..

n he play half way .. can ran all the way to the cafe.. n wana eat something.. reali my greedy boy lol...