Wednesday 31 March 2010

Shawn kana HFMD

Haven't been updating my blogs for a while since I was bck to work. Was busy coping with work n family. With two kids ard, it's nvr as easy s b4.

31 march 2010
I was so happy it's Roy 3 mth old tdy. And yet another shocking news come by while I was rushing a report at ofc this morning. @10.30am, I received a call from teacher angelina telling me tat she suspect Shawn got HFMD. She need me to pick him up asap n go doc.

I was so shocked to hear tat. As I jus send him there 3 hrs ago. So I quickly call hubby, n told him. N I continue to tidy up the FS and told my boss abt it. My boss is very understanding. He ask me to go n let him take over with the report. I printed out a draft n hang over everything to him b4 I rush back home.

Reach home at 10,45am. I quickly check on Roy. So worry he kana oso. Hubby had oso reach home. We quickly went down to pick Shawn.

Poor thing. He was separates from the rest of the kids n he tot he was being punished. Was crying when we reach the Sch. Saw his palm n foot. We decided to go nearby GP.

Shawn was still energetic. Playing and ran abt in the clinic. Doc say his is mild now. His got ulcer inhis mouth Liao. Luckly fever still not put yet. We gotto monitor.

He got mc from Sch for 8 days. N upon recover, we will need to bring him back to doc to certifiy tat he is fit for Sch then he can go back. I hope he can go back by next Monday.

We decided to bring roy back to my mum place. Hoping Roy can escape from all this, ofcos I wld need yo b with Roy at my mum place.

I miss Shawn so much. Wonder how's him now. Hb mms me a pic of his hand. Got worst Liao. Hai...

Jus got to pray tat Roy will b fine now n Shawn pls recover soon.

First day 31 Mar 2010

Day 2 (1Apr2010) .. it got worst... Sad


  1. Keep all his things clean. And ask Seng to be careful of his mucus, saliva, blisters, urine and faeces. Kendrick and I just recovered from HFMD 2 weeks ago. If he gets ulcers in his throat, or when the ulcers turn ripe, it will be very painful. Feed Shawn in some portions of porridge and lots of water if he loses appetite. It will be better after 5 days.

    Kendrick got once during 8 months old, and once recently at 40 months old. I got it twice together with him. This time round, my bf got it too. :)

    Take care! He'll be back as a stronger Shawn!

  2. So sad to c him suffer.. Sound like it really can spread ard very easily hor.. Yet doc make it sound so easy to avoid.. He say jus make sure wash hand...

    Hope my mil won't kana.. Else how to hang over Roy to her when I need go back work..

  3. Actually adults immune system higher. So not easily. Think I'm just weak, that's why. haha. When Kendrick kana 1st time with me, my mil took care both of us together, she never kana also. So, dun be so paranoid la...but just watch your hygiene. The reason why doc say wash hand, coz it spreads thru faeces and saliva and mucus. All these are hand-related mah.

    But then again. some docs dunno how to diagnose HFMD de. Kendrick got rashes on his hand. Doc say is a result of his medication for stomach flu earlier. So give him 1 day MC and send him back to school woah! In the end, on Sat go to another older and more exp doc then he say stomach flu is also one of the symptoms of HFMD!

  4. Shawn recovered.. :) back to sch tdy 5Apr2010...
