Monday 22 March 2010

Shawn's First Progress report book

This is Shawn's first progress report book.

Shawn come back with a big red bag of stuffs last Friday. MIL pass it over to me and i was surprise to see that. Its a bag of shawn assessment for Term1 and his report book inside.

I took it out to read. Shawn have quite good comment from his English and chinese teachers. Expect he got to improve in sharing and playing with his frens. Quite a list of items he still yet accomplish but i am sure he is catching up soon.

I look at all the assessments he had done over the pass few mths. WOW!! i didnt know he can do that. He can do pasting and do some coloring. Well Done Boy!!!

Looking at the report book, i was so excited being first time parent to sign on my OWN SON's report book. Then come my Hubby remind me that at least it is not in RED. (WHAHAHA) So we decided i will sign this report and he will sign if it come out RED in future.. :P

1 comment:

  1. wah...cannot that he will know who to look for next time. If red, he wun let you see lo! He will run straight to daddy!!
