Tuesday 9 March 2010

Angry with hubby

On 8mar .. Out of sudden I had very bad headache since evenin.. I pop in paracentamol.. Hopin by nite I will b fine.. But it wasn't better.. Told hubby I bth liao.. Reali need rest..

Roy was fussy tat day too.. He was havin fever.. N I had given him fever medicine at 2 pm.. By nite.. I give another round since his fever still at 37.9degree.. N he refuse to slp.. Hubby tried so hard to coax him to slp.. Not til I five him grip water.. He started to fart.. Then I thk it release his bloated stomach.. N get to slp..

Hubby did try to help.. But he soon loss his patient n was kind of rough in handling Roy.. Which give me no choice but to take over.. Butt headace was killing me.. N yet after I take over.. Tat idiot go to bed.. Sleep n snoring all the way beside me..

Dun he know I m not feel well.. He jus let me suffer like tat alone... Sittin there alone.. Feedin bb.. With the headache.. I reali feel like goin back yishun to get my mum help..

For tat.. I refuse to talk to him at all til now.. Not even reply his SMS.. He ask whether m I better.. I refuse to reply.. Dun see ways the point of askin now.. Since he can jus ignore me when I m reali in pain.. Now ask for wat..

But at this moment (10mar 12.30am) ... Siting here lookin tat idiot beside me.. Then cold war so... Wat do I expect rite.. He apologise?? Or continue not talkin?? I kind of childish rite.. Can't carry on like this ma... So sld I talk to him tml mornin when he kiss me goodbye??...

1 comment:

  1. aiyo.. dun be angry.. men sometimes need direct instructions. they dun understand hints.. relax. not easy taking care of 1 baby & 1 toddler.
