Friday 30 April 2010

Roy 2nd 6in1 jab

Busy day.. Accompany my dear to dental in the morning. Waited for almost an hr. Then head to bukit batok to collect back some clothings for Roy. N went to expo after tat.. To the baby fair, IT fair then follow by the metro fair.. Over all spend us $100+ over a set of DVD for the kids, diapers, nursing bra, perfume, some coloring books, caryon...

Come back home to bring Roy for his vaccine.. Appointment at 2pm.. We reach ard 2.10pm. Check on Roy weight n height.. 7.2kg and 64.9cm at 4mth old tdy..

We tot Roy got nappy rash.. But pd told us is fungus infection.. Poor boy.. Must b very uncomfortable there.. Check with pd on his low milk intake.. Was told mayb he loss interest in milk le.. But his weight n height very gd leh.. Wonder where he got all the nutrition from.. He won't gain much weight le.. Since he drink so little.. Will only grow taller ba.. I m told to carry on to breastfeed him.. N hope can wait to 6mo the intro solid...

His neck still is better le.. Was told to carry on with the massage n exercise.. I try but he keep resist the move now.. Difficult lo...

Reach home at 3pm.. Stay at home to look after Roy..hai.. I feel like leave the hse n go back yishun to take a break lo.. When I m home.. I got to look after the kids.. Can I jus take a break... ???

Monday 19 April 2010

My Darling boys..

Being at home to look after them for the pass few day.. since shawn got sick.. n i notice shawn reali learn a lots..

On sunday nite.. he was building a TU TU Train using the blocks.. n he was pushing it n chasing after me.. all the way from living room to kitchen when i was cleaning the btls.. then he sat then n play... so i tot it ends there... n i walk to the room n close the door wana feed Roy.. then i heard him cryin so loudly outside... then i come to know... he was still pushin his train n chasing mummy behind.. n i jus close the door on his face..(Bad mummy ME!!!) i quickly ask dear to open the door n let him in.. he was crying.. so poor thing.. if wasn with Roy.. i wld have been playin with him outside.. so bad of ME..

Shawn know how to play with di di le... he will hold Roy's foot n say "sat sat sat"... n Roy will start smiling at Kor Kor.. he will oso hold Roy's hand n do same thing..

Shawn will ask "Wheres Di DI" when he wake up in the morning... he will laugh when he c di di sleepin on the bed...

Shawn can express himself le.. he can form sentence with many words.. but he tend to mix chinese/english/hokkien in one sentence.. only i can understd him.. hee

Roy can recognise ME... he will smile at me when i reach home.. he is very talkative.. n loves to smile.. i can easily make him smile and laugh..

Roy dun drink much milk.. *headache*.. he only take abt 50ml each time.. n need to drink again in 1-1.5hr time.. short interval n small amt.. we try giving him more.. but he will stop drinkin and starts talking after a while..

Roy dun sleep long during day time.. even inside the sarong he oso dun slp for long..

Roy slps better at nite.. but i get engorge.. sometime i wake up n wait for him to get up to drink.. n yet i worry i make it a habit to him for drink at nite ... its jus too tired to wake up n pump...

Hubby... i reali learn to appreciate him more these days.. esp when i notice bit n pieces tat he does...

He wld nvr forget my mum.. will alway ask her out to eat together if we r goin out to eat.. he will tabao for her even its an extra effort for him to send it to her place...

He will spend time with shawn when i m busy with Roy.. Can c the kind of bonding between father n son... esp when shawn wan go gai gai... whahaha.. he knows daddy can drive him out..

He will make time for us.. every sat is reserve for us no matter how much works outstdin.. he will nvr go back ot on sat..

He will alway tolerate my nonsense.. when i got stress out.. i start throwin temper on him.. n yet he will alway end up create it as a joke and calm me down.. or he will jus keep silent and walk away.. leaving me alone to calm down..

With the boys ard.. i reali must learn to b happy with wat i have now..

Mummy... i m sorry :(

I always rmb this... we r alway a main character in our mummy life... but mummy will soon become only a sub character in our life... so sad...

My mum call me yty afternn.. she takes it as a joke.. but i m so sad to heard that..

She told me her hp alarm rang at 1am+ yty.. n she tot is time to go work.. ignore the clock at the living room.. she chose to 'trust' her hp.. so she bath n walk to interchg to catch the bus.. she notice funny when the bus driver were knocking off at tat time.. then she notice from the interchg clock.. its only 1am+... thking whether to wait til 5am+ there or go back home... she decided to walk back home...

with my two brothers at home.. none of them know this...

i reali feel tat we have neglect our mummy.. she even tell me ...rmb last time when we were young.. she oso bring my brother n i to catch the sch bus at 5am... thkin it was 6am+...

i somehow felt tat she feel lonely and miss those days when we were young and stay by her side...

To Mummy: I m so sorry if i have neglect u.. i will try my best to make it up to you.. i know you enjoy shawn n roy company every sat.. will not make it a miss... thanks for everything mummy... I love you..

Thursday 15 April 2010

Shawn sick and sick...

Since the start of hfmd.. Shawn is like nvr fully recover.. Last sun 13 apr.. Early in the mornin we notice something is wrong.. His palms were red and swollen.. N feel warm.. So I bring him to gp.. Doc say may b some skin was given medicine for his itch, cream to apply and antibiotic to take.. Tat nite his fever start... We give him fever medicine..

Mon morning.. I check his temperature.. 38.9degree.. Omg.. I was worry is Hfmd again.. Brought him to doc again.. Was ask to monitor him.. He seem better after feel round of medicine.. N his palm seem to b alrite..

Tue I send him back to Sch.. So tat I can go back to work..

Wed evening when I pick him up from Sch.. Teacher tolde Shawn feels warm.. Mayb fever.. I went back home check him.. His back all rashes and fever come in.. So after dinner I bring him to doc again..

Thur.. Keep him at home.. Continue his fever medicine.. N his throat for bit inflection.. So must take medicine.. Bring him along to ofc to bring back my pump.. He was so shy.. Refuse to let got hand.. N wan me to open the door to left.. He was much better in the afternn.. I manage to make him nap at 4pm.. N he slp til 6plus.. Give him another round of fever medicine.. His rashes has spread to whole body .. But he wast in itch ...

I decided to keep him away from Sch til next wk.. So tdy I took leave again to look after him.. Jus to make sure he recover fully.. Hope he recover...

Thursday 8 April 2010

KAISU mummy...

So busy these days, i hardly have spare time to update blog other then during work time.

Recently i read some feedback on this Icreative Learner. It seem to b very good. So i email them and check it out.

Was surprise to know tat the Rivervale Crescent home was full for wkend. Left with only wkday afternn. So they suggested to go Pasir Ris st 11 or Dr 4 home...

Its a home based tuition.. which teach kids to read n recognise words.. i find it useful for kids to know how to read.. so decided to let shawn to go..

I decided on Pasir Ris St11.. which left with only one slot. Sat 1.30pm to 3pm..

AND ... hee... all this will only commence in 2012.. whahaha..

lesson starts in 2012 end mar or early Apr... n kids must b able to recognise n read A-Z...

Hubby n my mum say i m crazy to book 2yrs in advance... AND wat surprise me more is.. i m not the only one.. HuiLing had registered her Giselle on 1Jan2010.. n she got the Rivervale Crescent slot...hee.. happen to know when i wana tell her this lobang.. kee

So now.. jus hope shawn will master A-Z by then.. n go there n learn more ba.. which is when he turn 4YO.. kekeke

7April2010 - Went Spore Flyers

All thanks to HuiLing.. she got me free tixs to the Flyers. So i brought my mummy along. MIL refuse to join us hence i have an extra tix for tat day.

Pack n feed shawn in the car then we all had Poyeyes.

Shawn wanted to b carry n he said "par par" then the cabin starts moving... but once it stable n move slowly.. he start ran abt liao... NNN

half way thro he come whisper to me...
"Ma Ma.. i wan pu pu"...
i ask: " u wan pu pu NOW ah?? can wait... "
Shawn: "NO!!... i wan pu pu" then he start doing his BUSINESS liao...
the the smell hor... BTH him lol... hee

Sunday 4 April 2010