Monday 19 April 2010

My Darling boys..

Being at home to look after them for the pass few day.. since shawn got sick.. n i notice shawn reali learn a lots..

On sunday nite.. he was building a TU TU Train using the blocks.. n he was pushing it n chasing after me.. all the way from living room to kitchen when i was cleaning the btls.. then he sat then n play... so i tot it ends there... n i walk to the room n close the door wana feed Roy.. then i heard him cryin so loudly outside... then i come to know... he was still pushin his train n chasing mummy behind.. n i jus close the door on his face..(Bad mummy ME!!!) i quickly ask dear to open the door n let him in.. he was crying.. so poor thing.. if wasn with Roy.. i wld have been playin with him outside.. so bad of ME..

Shawn know how to play with di di le... he will hold Roy's foot n say "sat sat sat"... n Roy will start smiling at Kor Kor.. he will oso hold Roy's hand n do same thing..

Shawn will ask "Wheres Di DI" when he wake up in the morning... he will laugh when he c di di sleepin on the bed...

Shawn can express himself le.. he can form sentence with many words.. but he tend to mix chinese/english/hokkien in one sentence.. only i can understd him.. hee

Roy can recognise ME... he will smile at me when i reach home.. he is very talkative.. n loves to smile.. i can easily make him smile and laugh..

Roy dun drink much milk.. *headache*.. he only take abt 50ml each time.. n need to drink again in 1-1.5hr time.. short interval n small amt.. we try giving him more.. but he will stop drinkin and starts talking after a while..

Roy dun sleep long during day time.. even inside the sarong he oso dun slp for long..

Roy slps better at nite.. but i get engorge.. sometime i wake up n wait for him to get up to drink.. n yet i worry i make it a habit to him for drink at nite ... its jus too tired to wake up n pump...

Hubby... i reali learn to appreciate him more these days.. esp when i notice bit n pieces tat he does...

He wld nvr forget my mum.. will alway ask her out to eat together if we r goin out to eat.. he will tabao for her even its an extra effort for him to send it to her place...

He will spend time with shawn when i m busy with Roy.. Can c the kind of bonding between father n son... esp when shawn wan go gai gai... whahaha.. he knows daddy can drive him out..

He will make time for us.. every sat is reserve for us no matter how much works outstdin.. he will nvr go back ot on sat..

He will alway tolerate my nonsense.. when i got stress out.. i start throwin temper on him.. n yet he will alway end up create it as a joke and calm me down.. or he will jus keep silent and walk away.. leaving me alone to calm down..

With the boys ard.. i reali must learn to b happy with wat i have now..

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