Thursday 15 April 2010

Shawn sick and sick...

Since the start of hfmd.. Shawn is like nvr fully recover.. Last sun 13 apr.. Early in the mornin we notice something is wrong.. His palms were red and swollen.. N feel warm.. So I bring him to gp.. Doc say may b some skin was given medicine for his itch, cream to apply and antibiotic to take.. Tat nite his fever start... We give him fever medicine..

Mon morning.. I check his temperature.. 38.9degree.. Omg.. I was worry is Hfmd again.. Brought him to doc again.. Was ask to monitor him.. He seem better after feel round of medicine.. N his palm seem to b alrite..

Tue I send him back to Sch.. So tat I can go back to work..

Wed evening when I pick him up from Sch.. Teacher tolde Shawn feels warm.. Mayb fever.. I went back home check him.. His back all rashes and fever come in.. So after dinner I bring him to doc again..

Thur.. Keep him at home.. Continue his fever medicine.. N his throat for bit inflection.. So must take medicine.. Bring him along to ofc to bring back my pump.. He was so shy.. Refuse to let got hand.. N wan me to open the door to left.. He was much better in the afternn.. I manage to make him nap at 4pm.. N he slp til 6plus.. Give him another round of fever medicine.. His rashes has spread to whole body .. But he wast in itch ...

I decided to keep him away from Sch til next wk.. So tdy I took leave again to look after him.. Jus to make sure he recover fully.. Hope he recover...

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