Sunday 9 May 2010

A wonderful mothers day... Thanks hubby

Its my 3rd mothers day.. n i m reali happy enjoying my day yty... all thanks to my dearest hubby :)

i receive hand made card from shawn on fri.. he made it in sch.. so happy.. 

n sch give all mothers a rose..

Sat we went back to yishun ... we had steamboat prepared by my mum.. n di di buy a choco cake back .. poor mummy.. was so busy preparing the steamboat... n i was busy with the kids.. cant help her... But i c her happily preparing n playing with shawn.. thk she do enjoy it.. :)

Hubby surprise me.. when he tell me he is not going back office on Sun.. hehe.. i keep asking him sure.. n noti him.. when shawn make him angry.. he will tell me he better go back work.. #$^%&*

Sun morning.. let shawn eat his breakfast.. get myself ready etc.. n we left home at 11am.. without little Roy (Sad!!) ... Headed to Sembawang shopping centre ..cos i wana go Daiso..

Bad jam to get into it carpark.. we waited for abt 15mins to get in.. luckly shawn sleeping..hence we dun mind the wait.. n was luckly to get a lots fast...

Shop at Daiso n Giant.. then had our lunch at Hongkong cafe.. shawn was well behave..surprisely.. hee.. (mayb he knows is mothers day????)

then we have fun at the water playground..

I had lots of fun with shawn there.. esp when daddy got wet becos of us.. whahaha.. n shawn is willing to get down n play.. cos he was crying n scare of the water when daddy carry him..

When to get dear a new shirt..cos he was too wet.. n we need to go hair cut..

Shawn n dear had their hair cut.. Shawn has no problem cutting his hair.. sit there guai guai.. n jus let the aunty cut.. n he knows daddy is also there cutting..

I love to c the father n son.. after the hair cut.. they will praise each other 'handsome'... hahaha.. n shawn will sayang daddy head.. n daddy sayang shawn head.. both say mei mei... hahaha... tats wat bonding means ba... so nice

we went back my mum place to take something.. shawn follow me home while daddy wait in the car.. shawn was playing happily with waipo n refuse to leave.. hee..

while on the way home.. shawn fall aslp in the car.. so we decided to go PineGarden to get MIL a cake.. n let shawn slp..

reach home ard 4.30pm... my Darling Roy was sleeping.. quickly unpack all the things.. n soon Roy got up.. he play at the exersaucer i jus bought.. shawn said he wana sit on it when Roy was playing.. so i carry Roy out.. n when i wana put shawn in.. he say he par par..(*faint*) ... thk he wan di di to accompany him to sit ba...

Dear went to tabao dinner.. while i carry Roy n sit at the living room n playing with shawn at the same time... (Its nvr easy to carry a baby n play with a toddler...haha)

Bring shawn to bath.. n he play his new toy.. happily playing til refuse to get out of the water.. goto pull him out n again.. he cry.. but i manage to calm him down soon..

Then went to latch di di.. n make him sleep.. while mil feed shawn dinner...

Quickly have my dinner while Roy is sleeping.. b4 i finish my dinner.. Roy wake up le.. hai .. his 7pm+ nap is nvr long...

My evening is alway busy with the kids.. one after another.. n 9pm til shawn slp.. i will always need to carry a baby , latching him.. while entertain shawn ... he will insist wana come into my room.. if i close the door.. he will b banging the door outside til i let him in.. hai..

So fast.. shawn can celebrate Mothers day with me le.. next yr.. Roy will b running ard n with shawn.. we can have more fun celebrating mothers/fathers day le.. hee..

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