Tuesday 25 May 2010

Shawn visit the Doc

Brought shawn to the GP on friday 21May2010 for his rashes.. he was so happy to c doctor.. cos can get sweets and stickers..

Yty again went to c doc.. cos he Lao Sai ah.. Mon he poo 3 times.. which is quite common for him .. then yty he poo once in morning.. then after nap..poo 3times.. hence teacher call me up..

Brough him to doc after sch... he was happily playin while waiting at the clinic..

Went home he took his dinner n i gave him medicine after tat..

when bath him.. notice his butt was so red n swoll.. apply cream on him.. he was like so painful n got up jumpin ard n cry.. after that he refuse to let us touch his butt le.. keep crying for daddy n me to bao bao.. poor thing..

while daddy take his shower.. i was like carry Roy with my rite hand.. n shawn was sitting on my left lap.. with my left hand hug on him... n Roy keep pulling Shawn shirt.. n shawn keep tell me " u see.. di di pull me... NO di di.. dun pull xian xian.." (haha.. hao ke ai)

Shawn wana sleep on my bed.. he keep telling dear "i wan sleepin mummy bed..." but we cant.. got to move him to MIL bed.. else di di n i cant slp le..hai.. felt so bad.. i miss those days shawn sleeping with me.. shall move him back when di di is older.. (mayb we got our place by then.. hehe.. )

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