Monday 24 May 2010

Wonerful wkend we had.. 22/23 May 2010

22 May 2010 Sat

I sent shawn to school as usual.. then went bf at Wen Dao Si at Geylang with hubby. Nice tim sum we had.. then head to carrefour to shop.. n decided to go beach rd toy shop to get shawn his toy gun.. 2 toy guns only cost us $10.. n it has sound n light.. i thk toyrus toys r reali to over price ah.. Poor ppl like us must look for cheap option ah.. :P i buy a new float for shawn at the shop..n decided to bring him to swim..after so long...since he last swim mths ago..

reach home at 1pm.. sort out my stuffs b4 i went down to pick shawn at 1.45pm.. he was still sleepin there.. ask him wana go swimming.. he reply " MAI"... whahaha

reach Yishun swim pool at 4pm.. shawn was crying when he got into the water.. refuse to move away from the edge.. so i tell him i go change n join him in the pool..

Thanks to my mummy.. she looks after my Roy.. playing with him ...

I got into the water.. n he actually enjoy it more.. he walk n follow me as i start the water battle with daddy n my brother.. shawn join in the fun..

i bath him after tat.. n careless me.. didn hold him well.. he fall in the toliet.. got blueblack on his chest n under chin... so sad..

went back mum place for dinner n let shawn try eating on the highchair i jus get.. preloved one for one $10.. good buy i thk.. he actually like that chair n table..

left mum place at 9pm.. n shawn start singing the Liang zhi lao hu... keep repeating til we reach home.. n little Roy sitting in his carrier.. looking up at Kor Kor in his car seat.. admiring his kor kor singing.. smiling all the way.. whahaha.. i guess Roy is Shawn first FANs..

23 May 2010

Got a sms from my bro.. he chio us to go JB makan n shop.. so i ask hb to come back soon (he went do OT).. n only let shawn nap for 1hr.. disturb his slp.. he like so moody.. til he know we go gai gai..he heard my bro asking wat we wana buy.. n he tell us he wana buy toy toy.. i ask him got $$ to buy?? n he went to ask wai po for $$.. wai po gave him 50cent.. he hold on the 50 cent.. i ask him 50cent enough to buy toy?? he say YES.. i tell him if not enough then we dun buy k... he keep slient.. dun look at me le.. whahaha

went in eat ba ku tei.. shop at Giant.. then went Sentosa shop.. n went ate loklok.. shawn oso eat fishball there.. (come to thk.. i sldnt let him eat hor.. like so dirty hor.. :P)

shawn slept in the car.. n he wake up while we transfer to Dear's car.. he hold on to a toy we get from Di Di Roy.. he wana pass it to Roy at home.. n the other hand he hold on to his bag of balloon..

Reach home at 10plus.. Roy slpin in the sarong.. but was wake up by shawn .. i quickly bath n took over Roy..

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