Wednesday 20 March 2013

Boss words so offensive

Even since I tender.. I have been feeling so offensive over every words from boss.. especially yty..

Regards to a client whos accountant jus left.. leaving behind a mess.. yet no one to clear our doubt.. I try to console all the issue and bring it to him.. without Look.. he return it to me and tell me to qualify the report.. n say if not how.. he can't even save himself.. how to save the client.. keep asking me dun qualified the report then how.. idiot..

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Monday 18 March 2013

12Mar2013 Shawn 5th bday

Recall back.. 5yr back at this day.. I was at mtA induced.. to bring this lil boy to this world.. both Seng n I was so excited.. n not to forget.. tat Seng sneak out to eat his fish n chip..

Tdy.. we let the boys miss the school.. n bring them out to play.. had lunch at carl junior.. then head into the singkid at vivocity.. spend awhile to find the place.. they loves it..


Collect his cake at compasspoint. A transformer cake.. then went back mil hard to celebrate..

End the day with another family pic. Love it: )

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Saturday 9 March 2013

Disappointed with shawn

Fri 8mar2013

I went to pick the boys from cc as usual. Co's it's Fri.. they r allow to go playground. Shawn told me is his fren bday.. n he got a bag.. n a book for Roy.. when we got to the playground.. he took out the bag.. n tell me.. how come got $$ inside de.. I start to suspect something is wrong.. I took over the bag.. then notice got a donation sticker behind.. open out.. got a ezlink card.. the bag was bit worn out.. then....

I start to que him.. at first he insist is a gift.. then slowly as he heard I said I will going sch ask the teacher.. he started to hug me n cry... I ask how he got this.. tell me wats going on.. he still keep quiet n cry Only..

Finally he admitted.. he took from his frens bag.. I knew he dun know tats wrong.. n he was scare when I insist he go to the school n apologize to the teacher.

But I insist. I explain to him.n wanted him to admit tat he Did it n was Sorry abt it. So we went to the school n tell the teacher. I ask the teacher not to scold him. N he apologize to her. We explain to him tat not the rite thing to do. It's stealing.

When we go back to nai nai hse. He tell me at the door. Not to let nai nai know. I promise him I won't tell nai nai.

I was upset tat he did tat. But gather he learn a lesson. Now I guess he knew wats stealing n it is wrong.

Shawn growing up so fast le.. our bao bei: )

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Friday 8 March 2013

To my dearest hubby

Dear.. I know my temper wasn't very good recently (or along is bad??whahaha) but Thanks for being so understanding n endure my madness.. I know the boys really make u loss ctrl at time.. n u Reach ur limit.. but yet u still 忍忍忍.. I can see u r stressful everynite becos of roy.. but when we tok abt him in the car.. u still will scold him with sweet smile shown..

Ppl always praise me.. how great tat I can handle three kids.. n b a ftwm.. yet without domestic helper.. with home so neatly.. I must tell everyone.. tats becos I have a wonderful hubby.. who will give in to me in all ways.. will crawl out of bed after kids n me slp at nite.. to do up the laundry.. will mop the floor on his off days.. he will nvr complain tat I go into bed n leave all the chores to him.. Tats the way he show his loves to me.. n to us..

NO flowers on Valentine's day.. NO candlelight dinner.. No Chanel bags as gift.. BUT I have the best hubby.. with no regrets of giving him 3 wonderful child of our own...


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9Mar2013 just another usual sat

Siting here in the car with roy sleeping behind.. dear went to fix the watches n make his cc payment..

Like every sat.. we will send the boys tl cc in the morn while pass Chloe to mil.. then we can relax a bit n went buy some groceries.. and for tdy.. we went to order Shawn bday cake n buy stuffs to prepare his bday goodies bags.. for his coming bday on Tue.

In another two wks time.. Roy will starts his lesson in ICL.. with teacher Brenda at pouggol.. hope he can adapt n won't make a fuss of it then.. after all.. this lil man is Only 3yr 3mo... when Shawn started last time.. he was exactly 4yo le.. which mean he was 9m older.. Tats lots of different... worry for roy...

Last nite I notice lil chloe got her sixth tooth pop out Liao.. n it's very obvious.. she is real fast.. coming 8mo tmr n she got 6tooths.. isnt tat fast?? Brought her to c doc choi last nite.. for her nappy rash.. poor bb.. she must b very uncomfortable for the pass few days... Co's last more after I apply the cream on.. latch her to slp.. she really slp thro.. it has been awhile she nvr slp thro le.. hope its reali due to her rash.. so once recover.. she will back to her slp their routine.. I was so moody recently due to lack of sleep lo.. I m old.. cant stand those miss slp nites le.. I was so rough toward her when she keep cry.. n I so tired.. thanks God tat I didn hurt her lo... hee

Love my darlings n my lao dear.. Hee.. told him just now tat I m thking to send Roy to learn Aikido.. hoping tat will help to discipline him better.. but he reply me.. said cannot Co's if he learn.. next time daddy cane him.. he will know how to defend le.. whahaha.. I wld nvr tot of tat lo.. bth him..

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Monday 4 March 2013

Chloe first time to pool 3mar2013

At 7days to 8 mo.. we bring her to anchorvale swimming pool..

No cry at all.. n she loves it.. kicking n smiling..

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4Mar2013 zone H RC opening

Our own RC had opened at last: )

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1 Mar 2013 Hr called me: )

I got it: )

They called me to discuss about the job offer n benefit etc. N I went down after Work to sign the appt ltr: )

went Simple medical check up on sat morn. N all fixed... I m in for the new accountant position le... jyjyjy!!!!!

first day Work 8 Apr 2013

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26Feb2013 sec interview

Went for my sec interview early in the morn before going to work. Met Priscilla again. Still feel comfortable with her. Reali hope we can Work well together. N the fc.. Mr chew. Very soft spoken person. Was told he was newly joined.

Reach ofc at 9.30am. Boss come in already. Lie to him: p told him I overslept. N he was surprise. Telling me.. first time he heard tat.. over my years with him.. I nvr ever overslept before lo... heee..

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