Thursday 25 July 2024


Another level of disappointment w them. Notice something abnormal when I got in the car this morning. Chloe oso noticed. But I didn't take it to heart until dear told me he suspect someone touch the bike. Then we starts to wonder ....
I checked home cctv, notice 1am plus Shawn come near the book shelves n at the same time shifted the CCTV. 
Then I check the car camera. Saw the footage of my boys n Cyrus stand in front of the car camera. Camera was shut from last nite . The timing do not run. So we know someone purposely off it.
I m upset feeling got betray by own children. They just don't understand the serious impact. If they really drive the car out n got into any accident, how?
We keep it to ourself as of now. Really duno how to react to this. Somehow angry w them as well. 

Thursday 18 July 2024


Whatever I tried seem useless. No matter how hard I tot I m strong enough n won't give up. But as it goes, I feel tat i oso Wana protect myself. Y must I b treated like shit. No respect to me. Tell me respect us for what. He really duno what he is talking now. I really hurt by his words. I go thro the parenting program, he said I act to care n love him. Y sld I need to act? I try to hold back myself many time. Telling myself b patient n stay calm. I fail. When he is so rude to me when I ask him to clean up the mess after cook. Give me attitude. Use vagular language on me. 
We call up police to get their fren out of the house. Both follow their fren out rite after the office left. N Shawn pack his bag n planning not to come home for daily again.
I cried. I duno y they become like that. I put in so much effort when they were young. In return like this. I can't take the outcome. It hurts me so much. 

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Chloe turn 12 year old

Our little princess turn 12 year old. She is our lil precious lady at home. After I go thro all the mess w the boys, I seem to understand n treasure her more then anything. 
I took half day n walk Bella to sch to pick her. She was glad Bella make it til her birthday. She includes her in all her bday plan. Even said to swop her bday w Bella to help her celebrate in advance.
We have her two friend joining us for steamboat lunch. At city square, Shi Li Fang. N she was luckily to get the big bear since we spend more than $120. 
I get her a brandy cheer cake and some pizza for the night. We brought Bella to North shore for her Paw cup. She loves Bella so much.
back home to sing her bday song eat the bday cake 🎂 n pizza 🍕.
I m sad in me as we didn't get to have the brothers celebrate together. And I m the only one singing for her. I know she do mind also. I can only do this much for now.
I hope she enjoy her day n remember this 12th birthday celebration we go thro together. 

Monday 1 April 2024

Shawn 16 bday

Spend a day in Jb. 
Drive in went movie makan shopping. But bday boy still unhappy whole day. 
In order no to disappoint him, I insist papa to drive in JB. Plan Wana try Go-kart but he rejected. End up in shopping mall

Didn manage to get him a bday cake. But we got him a mini one few days later... But he got stay out late overnight ... Waste our effort.

I only hope u grow up b a sensible boy. Learn to appreciate ppl effort. Dun take things for granted. N back to good health n active in sport again.

Bella diagnosis with lymphoma on 21Mar2024

First visit to vet on 9Mar after I notice swollen lymph nodes on her neck, sample extract surface test high chance cancer. Asked to go back on 11Mar am to take blood test. Refer to VES. Result out 18Mar. Cancer marker "Very High risk" 
20Mar, first visit to VES w Doc Koo. Took blood test n sample extract for detail test.
21Mar am. Received call from VES. Confirm cancer lymphoma. Rush down meet Doc Koo to discuss n understand the option we have for her treatment.

(1) 19 session chemo @ est $800 each. Exclude any possible complication incur along the way. Est another 12mths life( from tdy) -- we can't afford. So this is out of our range.

(2) 5 sessions chemo @ est $800 each. Exclude any possible complication incur along the way. Est another 6mths life ( from tdy) -- doc advice set aside $6k due to other test or complication along the way. N each time need IV drip n do blood test. If white blood cell fail, then need return another day to redo test n consider do tat session chemo. 

(3) Give her oral medicine steroids daily. Est 2-3 mths life ( from tdy) 

After discussing w Seng n Chloe. We decide to go for opt 3. Avoid all the further testing. Just to extend another 3 mths life via all the chemo. Not worth to go thro the pain. Mayb some might think we are cruel to give up treatment. But it's really not an easy decision. 

Album created to record her progress... N keep all the memories we hv w her for the last stage of her life. Hope she will go through easily w least suffer in final stage.

Sweet Bella on 1Apr 
Send Chloe to tuition on 1Apr
Dog run 31Mar
us only