Thursday 18 July 2024


Whatever I tried seem useless. No matter how hard I tot I m strong enough n won't give up. But as it goes, I feel tat i oso Wana protect myself. Y must I b treated like shit. No respect to me. Tell me respect us for what. He really duno what he is talking now. I really hurt by his words. I go thro the parenting program, he said I act to care n love him. Y sld I need to act? I try to hold back myself many time. Telling myself b patient n stay calm. I fail. When he is so rude to me when I ask him to clean up the mess after cook. Give me attitude. Use vagular language on me. 
We call up police to get their fren out of the house. Both follow their fren out rite after the office left. N Shawn pack his bag n planning not to come home for daily again.
I cried. I duno y they become like that. I put in so much effort when they were young. In return like this. I can't take the outcome. It hurts me so much. 

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