Tuesday 13 November 2007

Gynae visit on 13Nov

I was updating my blog on 12Nov.. wrote a long para... n *!@#%^... kana DC... n i cant post my blog... reali got so piss off... not goin to rewrite again le.. will make it short...haha

abt my detail scan on 9Nov... spend only abt half an hour.. tats short i guess... bb guai guai de let them tat all the measurement.. my good boy.. last til 2pm... b4 the scan we went for the hospital tour @ TMC...

yty.. i went to my gynae.. he explain to me my report.. everythin is fine... i tot bb a bit heavy.. @486g as shown in the report... but after yty scan again.. bb is only 436g.. hehe.. abt average ba.. Dr say plus n minus 10% is fine de...

off topic: hubby sick le.. so sad.. c him suffer.. hope dear can recover fast fast... love u dear




  1. 436g at which week wor? Glad to hear everything is good :)

  2. hi claudia... glad tat things are fine! hope ur hubby will recover fast wor... speedy recovery

  3. my hubby is sick too... fever since monday. I am so worried. Yest, when i went to see gyane, blood pressure a bit high... coz he sent me to see gyane even he was still having fever.

  4. 436g at 22wk ba.. tats base wat the gynae had told me my bb age... but i recently detail scan say tat i m only at 20wk6days on last fri wo... i oso not sure which is the correct one le...

    thks jaslyn... i oso hope he can get well soon... dun like to hear him coughin n blowin his nose all the time lol.. so xin tong..

    linda...u mean whos blood pressure is high??? u or hubby?? hope u two r fine too... :)
