Sunday 18 November 2007

Our 1st lesson

16 Nov 2007… 1st lesson @ KKH – Antenatal course


Hubby n I was reali lookin forward to it.. Surprise tat he was the one keep remindin me abt this day.. n tell me to rmb to bring all the documents…


He knocks off at 5pm on fri.. so I ask him to go straight to KKH n wait for me n find the way there first… (This was our first time to KKH…)


I knock off at 5.30pm.. so I took bus 851 to KKH.. he waited for me at the bus stop… BUT.. @ the wrong stop  *FAINT*… he went to the next stop to wait for me.. While I drop at the stop nearest to the main entrance.. he duno there is another stop rite in front of KKH.. Hai.. Tats my blur hubby…


We went straight to register first… then… surprise tat hubby dun mind havin MacDonald for dinner.. hahaha… cos he dun like mac burger de… but I was so happy.. (jus like kids..keke..excited to eat burger n fries.. yum yum)


A bit rush.. but we still manage to make it in time.. n got seated in the centre row… I was searchin ard for HuiLing.. she was bit late.. but in time b4 the lesson start.. didn have much chance to chat.. jus a few words during break..


The course is mainly abt during pregnecy… wat body changes is expected.. wat will I b goin thro.. how baby is developin at different stage… quite boring.. to b frank la.. hehe.. luckly hubby nvr fall aslp.. I saw other ppl hubby rubbin their eyes… restless etc…


After the lesson… I notice my hubby do learn some stuffs le.. at least he know wat is the different trimester… n he know how to massage for me when I feel achin every morning…


Well done my hubby. !!!


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