Monday 19 November 2007

Moody Moody

Dun ask me y... i oso dun understand...

Especially at nite.. after dinner.. when i c my books ah... remind me of the exam comin soon.. I m stress i guess...

keep tellin hubby.. I m so sad.. feel like cryin every nite... hubby ask me Y... i cant explain it.. jus my mood ... feeling lol... jus like to stick to my hubby... lie on his tight... hug his big tummy... hahaha...

after the 1st lesson.. hubby come to know tat.. he can actuali put his ear on my tummy.. if he got the rite position.. he can hear bb heart beat le... n YES... he reali got it.. for the pass few days... he heard the fast beats... but.. i cant..


  1. wow... really can hear bb's heart beat? tats so cool..
    ger.. dun be so stress up ok. just do wat u can... relax ya.

  2. thks ... will take thing easy... hope i wont feel so lousy then.. :)

  3. :) try to maintain a happy mood ya
