Saturday 3 November 2007

Shopin n shopin

Sat 03 Nov 2007

Hubby not workin tdy.. so we slept til 9.30am.. decided to have our breakfast at AMK.. jus happen to see hi Aunty there... n come to know tat his cousin bb who was born on 31Oct07 cant go back home.. due to jaundice.. n the mummy oso decided to stay in the hospital to look after the bb... i start to worry abt myself when my turns come. Will my bb oso kana tat??

After breakfast, we went to suntec and saw the bb show. Lots of cute bbs ard n tat makes my daddy to b excited. He he... he start to say he wan his son to b as fat as this n tat kid... keke.. shop ard at the carrfour.. they reali had change the layout of their stuffs... went to see the baby stuffs... see the bb stroller.. n bb cots... check the prices etc... bb stuffs are reali X.. esp if u got to buy everythin ..

took a break at ya kun... then we decided to go back to rest... but half way thro.. i ask hubby to go parkway parade... hehe.. since very nearby only ma.. so continue my shoppin...

when we reach there, it was so crowded. we drive til the top of the carpark n still cldnt find a lots. So i decided to give up n go back home. But jus as we were leavin, we happen to come across this empty lot.. so might as well take it.. n go shoppin..

the shoppin centre was reali so crowded. guess they havin some sales n givin out some freebies. tat y so crowded. i went to isatan to take a look, n found out more info of the pricin. thk not much different lol. but we still nvr buy anything.. thk still early la. will wait til.. mayb dec or jan then will reali store up stuff le..

after shop shop, we went to chong pang to had our hair cut. I decided to cut short my hair. But the hairstylist suggested better not too short at one goal. so i have it cut jus below shoulder length. Was quite happy with the cut. but guess due to my weight gain ba, my face oso bcome more "round" le. n plus the layer ard my face... i jus look so round now... hahaha.

went back yishun to have dinner with my mummy. left there at abt 7pm. then come back fernvale to bath n rest. til 9pm. accompany hubby to wash his car. n happen to c linda on her way back.

last nite wasnt a good nite slp for me... i was havin this indigestin problem.. my stomach was so bloated.. n i feel tat my stomach was full with wind.. n it reali causes pain. i keep wakin up to visit the toliet.. duno for how many time i wake up til... at last... mornin le... wah  so tired le..

To bb: thk mummy feel ur movement le.. but jus not tat strong n obvious.. not like wat all my mtb frens say.. they were so sure tat bb have kick them.. haha... so.. i duno wat was the exact date i feel u wo.. but i know i sld have.. cos tat feelin is gettin more n more often le.. love u bb... daddy is gettin more n more excited to see u soon.. mummy oso.. hope u can grow healthy ... will c u soon on comin friday..

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