Thursday 1 May 2008

Labour Day

Its a public holiday today. In the pass, b4 Shawn is born, i guess we ( Hubby n I) might spend tdy fishin at some wulu place ba. But now, i cant leave shawn at home for too long le. I will miss him. N i cant jus let mil look after him while i go out n play lol.

So this mornin we only went out for breakfast at AMK, then come back home with in 2 hr. Fast rite. Eat n go back. Life is nvr so much freedom like b4 le.

Hubby planned to bring me out shoppin tml. He took a day leave to enjoy the long wkend. I suggested to go Expo for the MPH n Metro sales. Hope i can get something cheap there lol. Get some flashcard for Shawn or even storybook to read to him now. He get so bored of those toy handing at the cot. Tats the only toy he can watch them goin round n round daily. Sld get him something more interesting ba. Feel so guilty to keep puting him into the yao lan n make him sleep after every feed. Wonder m i doin the rite thing lol. Sldnt he have some fun time now?? at least tok tok time or even play time.. only eat n sleep ah???

Next mon i m goin back to work le.. i will surely miss my Shawn. These few nite shawn got up every 2 hr for feeding. He wasnt like this in the pass de. He use to wake up at 1am, 3/4am n 6am.. but eg last nite, he woke up at 12am, 2am, 4am n 6am.. i was like goin crazy last nite lol.. feel so giddy at 6am.. quickly took a bottle of chicken Essenes in the mornin.. i cant afford to get sick de.. Hope he will get back to his usual timing by mon n dun give me a hard time le..



  1. I intend to go back work in another 2 weeks time too & feel that I too, cant seem to let go the feeling of being able to spend time with baby everyday. Really dont feel like going back to work but.... cannot loh~~ *sign*

  2. i hope the next 4 weeks will pass by slowly for me :p

    my lucky pal who works in Barclays has 5 months of paid maternity leave..


  3. my hb told me barclays 6mths of paid maternity..tinking next one go there to work.. wah haha.. only if there's next one.. scary

    how come u all go back to work so soon? i'm worried abt expressing enuff milk for my Kyla.

  4. i'm suppose to go back work in end may, but going back early means I can have some days left to bring baby to see doc when needed.... Pity i am not working at such a family-friendly company...

  5. yupz, i was also wondering y claudia & connie going back so fast

    Sheryl, my pal said only the ML is attractive, the working hrs there sucks, even wkend have to go back to clear work

  6. Kyla & Kyzac..very siblingy name :p

  7. i m going back to work too... countdown to 20days...whenever ada is awake, i will play or talk with her

  8. all of u took 12 weeks full of ML? I still hv 4 weeks more heehee slowly clear

  9. i too two mth leave only.. left with one mth.. will keep it til year end ba.. when shawn know how to play le.. mayb then i can take n stay at home to play with him...

    but main reason is boss voice out de.. cos now audit perk period.. he ask me to go back early lol... so no choice la.. hehe

  10. poor u tat oso can ?
