Tuesday 1 June 2010

Roy's turn to fall sick...

Dear was on MC yty.. he went to doc n went home to rest.. til 3pm+ he sms me.. told me Roy having running nose le.. must bring him to doc liao..

So after work.. dear come to fatch me.. went home to bath.. n bring Roy to Dr Lillian.. but clinic was not open.. both doc out of town til 5Jun..

so got to go back GP at Fernvale point.. tat doc is nice.. jus tat i prefer to bring Roy to PD since he is so young...

Confirm he is down with flu.. running nose.. n his back white spot is han bang.. given cream to apply.. n his BCG mark oso got infection... (notice slight bleed wks ago).. another cream for tat..

Shawn not recover yet.. so doc give me other medicine for shawn as well..

Reach home almost 8pm le.. settle Roy.. give him medicine.. n shawn oso took his.. then i had my dinner.. (or sld i call it supper..hee)


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