Wednesday 27 June 2007

1st day on leave... prepare for the Big Day

I m so so tired liao.. but come to thk.. i must note tdy down no matter wat...

woke up early in the morning.. 7am.. wash up.. get ready myself... wake my dear up.. got out of our hse at 740am.. we r late... for sure... jam on the road...

reach ROM at 8.45... its crowded there.. got out Q no. 28... but guess we r jus so excited.. even the no. is still at 5 or 6... some how we dun feel the waiting is long... soon our turn.. we pass the document to the person in charge.. take out our ic... N THEN i notice....

i took my mum ic to make copy on mon... so i return her the ic on tue.. by putin the ic into her wallet... THEN... now i realise... OMG... i put MY ic into her wallet... n HER ic is with me... HAHAHA... using my mum ic to register for marriage...keke... luckly they accept driving licence... or else... guess my dear face will turn charcoal lol..keke

then after tat.. we went his hse to get our bank book... went AMK hub to draw cash for Ang Bao.. Q from UOB to DBS.. cos UOB got not enough small change for me...

took a break at the food court...

went pick his mum up at 1pm.. send her home.. then we went to prayer... to grandpa n grandma... bring her mum to the doctor... bring drinks etc...

reach my place at 5pm.. so tired.. took a nap... then at 6.30.. out we went to bugis.. again JAM... I m late.. OOpss...

meet the sisters at bugis.. to go to the bridal shop to test their dresses... have our dinner at V8.. chat.. discuss.. 2 brothers oso turn up.. thanks to my dear.. treat us the dinner..hehe

reach home ard 11.30pm.. wash up.. check mail...

sort out the montage.. n songs.. etc to save into the laptop... prepare for my DAY...

thanks to Ning for the lovely gifts... i know i got ur blessing... thks ... love u too.. :)

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