Wednesday 6 June 2007

BaCk to WorK.. day One..

Ho.. I m back to WorK.. To my SuRpriseZzz... when i on my PC... i notice got ppl use my PC... n... I can connect to internet le... HOW COME??????

who cares... since bosses are out of town... hehe make use of this... do wat i wan to...

Workin reali hard for the pass few days... preparing for exam... but i thk result wont b good lol... can pass is bless by de lol... especially my tax paper yty... hai... dun bother abt it le... over is over le rite... y thk so much... cant change the fact now le wat...

so... now got to start to clear my outstanding for my wedding preparation le... thk got quite a lot of things wo.... must plan le...

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