Thursday 28 June 2007

Actual day eve

The last day i my Miss... from tml onward i will b Mrs Yap le.. wife of someone...  how would tat kind of life b??? i do look forward to ...

woke up early.. guess i m gettin excited.. so cant sleep late le... then start cleanin my room... by right tdy i sld not see my hubby de... but.. haha.. i spend his nite at my hse... so.. sure we get to see each other this morning.. keke...

he drive me to AMK.. have our breakfast cum lunch at S11... then he went home... 

i went to AMK hub to wait for Pris.. til 1.20.. we went to nail palace to do our nails... i nvr tot it took so long... i only finish my nail at ard 5++... then off we went home...

now.... waitin for my sisters to come my place...

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