Friday 8 June 2007

A man with Buddha conversation.

In deep of the night, in a temple where a man was standing in front of Buddha.
The Man : Oh Wise Buddha, currently I already have a gf of 5 yrs but now i'm madly in love with a another gal. I really dunno what to do.
Buddha : Can you sure the gal u love madly now is your deepest love and the only last woman in your life?

The Man : Yes
Buddha : Then just dump your current gf and be with ur new love.

The Man : But my current gf very gentle, kind and nice. If I do this will it be very cruel and no moral...
Buddha : It is really cruel and no moral to be in a marriage tat is no love. Now you already love someone else and don't love her anymore. You dump her is correct way.

The Man : But my gf love me very much. really very love me.
Buddha : Then she own happiness.

The Man : I dump her and love another gal, she suppose to be very painful and how can she own happiness?
Buddha : In marriage/love she still own the love she had for u. But in marriage/love u already lost the love u had for her because u love somebody else. The real happiness is owning. Losing is painful. That is why you are painful.

The Man :But I'm the one who going to dump her then get a new gf, suppose to be she is losing me, she suppose to be painful.
Buddha : You wrong, you are only her representative of real love in her marriage/love. When you as her representative doesnt exist, her real love will continue to another representative. Because she had not lost her real love in her marriage/love That is y she own the happiness but only you will be painful.

The Man : She said she only love me in this lifetime. She will not love somebody else.
Buddha : Don't tell me you never say this kind of words before.

The Man : I.. I... I...
Buddha : Now look at the 3 candles in front of you. which one is brighter

The Man : Erm... I really dunno... looks like all the same
Buddha : This 3 candle is similar to 3 gals. One of the candle is the new gal you madly love. Billions of human, there are million and millions of woman. You don't even know out of the 3 candles which candle is the most brightest. can't even find your love out, then how come you so sure you love this new gal? then how can you determine she is the last woman in your life?

The Man : I... I... I...
Buddha : Now take one of the candle and put in front of your eyes. Use your heart and look again which one is the brightest one

The Man : Of cz is the one that in front my eyes.
Buddha : Now put the candle back to it original location and look seriously again which one brightest?

The Man : Erm... I really cannot see which one is brightest.
Buddha : Actually, the one you took just now is just like your new love. When you felt you love her, you use your heart to see and u find it is the brightest. When you put back to it's original place, you can't felt the brightest feeling. Your this kind of love is just a greed. Losing yourself in a maze, outside everything perfect, but at the end is all empty.. all illusions.

The Man : Oh, I understanding already, actually you didn't want me to dump my gf, you are enlightening me.
Buddha : See through Don't say through... you may go...

The Man : Now I know who's my true love. She is my current gf.
Buddha : Amitabha... Amitabha...

Amitabha... in lifetime... Love cannot be avoid... wishing all the lovers/couples in the world treasure your life partner beside you. stay away from greed and those illusionary seduction. together hands in hands create a happiness life...

1 comment:

  1. hehe, i copied this story to my multiply 4 my frens to read... Deep thoughts...
