Tuesday 19 June 2007

GDL on 18 Jun 2007

So fast.. tdy.. he come to ask for my hand le.. hehe.. early in the morning.. hehe.. so drama de..

i woke up at 8.30am.. brush up.. bring pepper to toliet.. clean him up.. fed him... abt 9am le.. call my dear.. Oops.. he is near by only le.. comin to my place liao.. n i haven change..still in my sleep wear...

Quickly get myself change..touch up.. he comin in at 9.30am..

Together with his brother.. carry all sort of things..

My mum start to kan cheong liao.. cos my Ah yi all not here yet.. she duno wat to do with the things..

so we ask the Brothers to have their breakfast downstair first..while we wait for Ah yi to come...

Soon my Ah Yi oso come in at ard 10am.... she tell my mum wat to do.. wat to return etc...

Wat we received:






A few pic of wat they bring over.. 20 boxes of cakes.. return 4 boxes.. 8 cans Pork leg.. return 2 cans.. n Pin Jin.. $XXXX return $XXXX... (hehehe cannot reveal amount lolx..)

then these are wat i bring over:





These r some of the things i bring over to his place.. plus pillows n bed sheet etc.. (i didn take pic on them)

After my relatives left my place.. n upon my hubby return to my place.. we go ard to delivery the cakes to some other frens n relative place... to AMK.. HG.. TPY...

In the evening.. my mum bring my hubby to buy a ring for him.. to wear for him when he serve her tea..

A ring can b oso tat X wow... tryin to hint my hubby to chose a cheaper one.. keke.. dun wan my mum to waste too much $$.. luckly my hubby got my hint..hehehe.. he got one abt $600 de.. thanks to my dear..

At nite.. we went back fernvale to see our new bed.. a bit disappointed.. cos the bed reali occupy the whole room.. the room look even smaller now.. sian... n somemore.. we notice a small tear at one side of the frame... my dear was a bit angry with his dad.. cos he keep remindin him to make sure everything is ok.. b4 letin the delivery man to leave.. but yet this happen...

Then we went to redhill to send the invitation cards n cake to one of his relative.. Hubby wasn very happy there.. luckly.. he was in good mood the whole day.. so wasn tat bad..

reach home almost 12pm le.. sooooo tired..

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a really tiring day for u. at least... another item strike off from your list of things to do.
