Saturday 25 August 2007

Sat ... 25 Aug 2008

Hubby workin OT tdy.. so i ask di di to accompany for breakfast at MacDonld..@ Compasspoint... meet him at 10.30am... was so crowded.. Heng we got a seat... had our breakfast.. di di went to meet gf.. i shop ard.. went library.. went popular to read book... heng pris call me... she come to meet me... we have a long chat at starbak...

these days.. i know is hard for Pris... but i reali hope she can b strong n take things lightly... everything will b over ... Hope she dun thk so much...

Pris JIA YOU k...



4th visit to Gynae...

Start:     Sep 11, '07 6:00p

Appointment at TMC... Check up

Start:     Sep 6, '07 2:00p

Friday 24 August 2007

3rd Visit to Gynae

Its my 3rd visit to Gynae... i reali look forward to.. jus wan to hear from the Dr tat Baby is doin fine... tat rest my heart asure... haha

i reach Sengkang Mrt at 6.15pm... Hubby had help me to register... n the moment i reach.. i m the next one le.. great!! ... no long long Q....

As usual.. 1st ques from Dr is : how r u feelin?? everything fine?? i m jus too excited ... cant wait to c the scan... cant rmb wat problem i m havin.. haha... jus reply.. : yaya.. fine...

Dr do the scan.. can c baby shape le.. the head.. hand... leg... so cute.. so interesting.. i was surprise tat baby grow so fast.. the last round i saw ... i cant even find where the baby is from the printout... now it can easily b seen... wonder when can i know .. bor or ger hor... hehehe... but i jus wan a healthy child.. ger ger or bor bor ... i dun mind...

did a blood test ... after everything... then i notice... i duno wat blood test i m doin wo... hahaha... i ask my hubby.. wat m i testing ah... he thk a while.. tell me.. "duno leh"... hahaha.. we r jus tat blur...

guess wat i had for dinner... hehehe... dr told me.. can drink some coka if i got bloated stomach.. n straight after the check up.. hubby n i..went eat burger king ah.. hehe... n drink coka cola...hahaha... so long nvr drink tat le... yumyum...

my next visit is in 3 wks time... n got to go tmc to do some testing on the 7 Sep... hope all my testing is fine... Pray Hard !!!

As to date baby is 10 wk 2 d old le... EDD change to 19 mar 2008....

Sunday 19 August 2007

3rd visit to the Gynae

Start:     Aug 24, '07 6:30p
Location:     Sengkang
Instructed by Dr Adrian Woodworth to see him again in two weeks time... Hope everything is fine...

Saturday 18 August 2007

Another boring day at home..without hubby..

Its jus another sunday without hubby with me.. hes workin ot.. ya...ya.. again... i cant blame him.. got to b supportive.. after all he is reali workin hard for US... hehehe... of cos.. tat baby n me...

but for tdy.. i m not goin to eat instant noodle... cos my mum keep tellin me.. better not.. dun b lazy.. so.. i cook porriage for myself.. hehe.. cook done.. but i haven eat.. still not hungry... hope tats edible...hahaha...

i was surfin the net.. checkin my email.. come across this particular fren's blog... which i m reali quite disappointed with... i was reali upset by her even since my wedd... but i guess ..i jus cant force ppl over things they dun wan to ... so.. i can jus keep in mind wat "kind" of fren i have...

sometime.. when time pass.. thing will jus get clearer.. it does not need any explanation.. tat was i thk..

back to TDY... sortin my mails.. filin all the documents... startin to reali sit down n plan... wat sld i do... my result is comin out on tue... i hope at least i can pass ONE paper... jus ONE... not the two i took... (Not too much rite... hehehe) so wat sld i do after tat???

b4 i knew i my preg... i intend to take up another paper if i pass one... but now.. thing has change... sld i still carry on my plan.. will i feel very tired to go class after workin... for once a wk?? hubby promise will come to fatch me after tat.. which i know he will... but.. can i make it...??? i start to wonder... N wat abt the $$... lesson for 1 paper cost abt $500... then still got exam fee to pay by 14 Oct... to take 2 papers will cost another $300+... sld i save the $$... n prepare for baby arrival??  i have discussed with hubby... he encourage me to carry on...

BUT... i got no confident... level 3 papers r reali tough... mayb i m jus not up to tat standard.. reali feel like givin up le... yet come to thk.. i only left with few papers... reali wasted rite...

i wonder... during maternity leave.. will i b able to use tat period of time to focus on my remainin papers.. n clear it once n for all??  guess i must consult some experience mummy.. hehe...

Friday 10 August 2007

2nd visit to the Gynae

yty was my second visit to the gynae..

i knock off work at 5.30.. reach sengkang mrt at 6.15... ask hubby to register for me first while i on my way... but still need to wait lol... when i reach.. i highlighted to them tat i being to cck branch last week de.. but the nurse told me.. they haven trf my card over.. so.. i got to re-register a new card lol... she was very nice.. tell us to go shop shop first... will give us a call once its our turn...

as usual.. i throw my temper again.. haha.. i hungry ma.. :( so we went to breadtalk to get each a bread.. went to food court n get a drink n eat our bread.. cos his mum cook at home le.. so we cant eat first.,..

very soon.. we got the call.. its our turn.. so we went to the clinic... n i m the next le...(6.40pm)

dr.. as usual as the same old ques for the first timer... but i told him i had seen him last wk.. he still can rmb... wat happen.. tats great lol... then i do my scan... bb heart beat can b seen.. but is like not as strong as last scan lol... tot got some problem... so i ask the dr.. but he confirm bb progressing fine... tat rest my heart asure...

we will given a package to sign up.. cost $550.. tats include all check up til i give brith... only exclude special test tat we need to take in wk16 n wk20.. n some other medicine... normal check up n medicines are all included in the package... some more n off set my previous bills... jus tat they cant find my first visit billin... so i can only sign up the next visit... which is in two weeks time...

yty visit cost me another $164 dollar le... cos i took some more medicine.. tat add on the cost... hai..



Wednesday 8 August 2007

Its National Day

Yeah.. Its National day... HappY BdAy SpOre...

Another rest day ... tdy hubby not workin.. so we get to spend a day together... long time nvr go out enjoy a day together le... cos he always work ot over wkend... but not tdy..

I woke up very early tdy... bring pepper to piss in the toliet.. then feed him... so early... my inlaw still haven leave home... n it started rainin le...

then i went back to slp til 9plus... then we woke up... prepare to go fishin... soooooooooooo long nvr go fishin le...

had our breakfast at prata shop first.. then off we went to yishun dam to find father... he was fishin there very early in the mornin le... weather started quite coolin... n it started rainin... then sunny.... heng got big umbrella...

end our fishin at abt 2pm... go home rest.. wash bike...

nite time.. went back chong pang for dinner... then drive di di back to camp...

pass by yishun dam.. stop by to c the fire work... so beautful...

Tuesday 7 August 2007

Thursday 2 August 2007

1st visit to the gynae

yty wasnt a very good day for me... kind of scary off... cos i m havin the brownish discharge.. for quite a while le... even b4 i come to know tat i m preg... n yty i have it worst off... quite heavy n havin bad cramps... i got very worry... call up few gynae to make appoinment.. but guess too late min... hard to find one...

ends up.. i went to Dr adrian Woodworth... but he was not at Sengkang yty nite.. got to go all the way to CCC... heng my hubby dun mind... we waited for abt half an hr...

Dr ask some ques ..since its my first time to c him... then i start tellin him abt my worries... he does an ultra scan on me... FIRST time.. i saw the BB... saw somethin blinkin... n dr told us.. tats the heart beat... n i was told i m abt 6wk preg le.. EDD is Mar08... tats fast rite..

i nvr tot i m goin to b mummy so soon... but jus let god decide ba... thing jus cant always b under our own control de rite...

took our medicine.. n pay the bill... WOW..shock me.. i tot at the most 70-80 ba...but it turns out to b $157... i even ask the nurse... is it alway so X??? hehehe... she say depend on wat check up i did... then give me a break down of the bill... consultation cost $50 le... plus ultra scan another $45 ba... plus medicine... all add up tat price lol... now i m considering... sld i go back to him again next fri... or i sld jus go KK... n get the gov subsi de gynae... but hubby say dun wan.. cant stand the long waitin time.. so jus go back to him... will c how in next few days ba..

these two days.. i start feelin the morning sickness le... not only mornin lol... is like whole day... feelin giddy... wana vomit... feel hungry but yet dun feel like eating... once i finish my food.. got bloated stomach.. n wan vomit le... but i read somewhere... its a good sign.. with morning sickness.. tat mean BB is growin... i hope so too...