Friday 24 August 2007

3rd Visit to Gynae

Its my 3rd visit to Gynae... i reali look forward to.. jus wan to hear from the Dr tat Baby is doin fine... tat rest my heart asure... haha

i reach Sengkang Mrt at 6.15pm... Hubby had help me to register... n the moment i reach.. i m the next one le.. great!! ... no long long Q....

As usual.. 1st ques from Dr is : how r u feelin?? everything fine?? i m jus too excited ... cant wait to c the scan... cant rmb wat problem i m havin.. haha... jus reply.. : yaya.. fine...

Dr do the scan.. can c baby shape le.. the head.. hand... leg... so cute.. so interesting.. i was surprise tat baby grow so fast.. the last round i saw ... i cant even find where the baby is from the printout... now it can easily b seen... wonder when can i know .. bor or ger hor... hehehe... but i jus wan a healthy child.. ger ger or bor bor ... i dun mind...

did a blood test ... after everything... then i notice... i duno wat blood test i m doin wo... hahaha... i ask my hubby.. wat m i testing ah... he thk a while.. tell me.. "duno leh"... hahaha.. we r jus tat blur...

guess wat i had for dinner... hehehe... dr told me.. can drink some coka if i got bloated stomach.. n straight after the check up.. hubby n i..went eat burger king ah.. hehe... n drink coka cola...hahaha... so long nvr drink tat le... yumyum...

my next visit is in 3 wks time... n got to go tmc to do some testing on the 7 Sep... hope all my testing is fine... Pray Hard !!!

As to date baby is 10 wk 2 d old le... EDD change to 19 mar 2008....

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