Wednesday 8 August 2007

Its National Day

Yeah.. Its National day... HappY BdAy SpOre...

Another rest day ... tdy hubby not workin.. so we get to spend a day together... long time nvr go out enjoy a day together le... cos he always work ot over wkend... but not tdy..

I woke up very early tdy... bring pepper to piss in the toliet.. then feed him... so early... my inlaw still haven leave home... n it started rainin le...

then i went back to slp til 9plus... then we woke up... prepare to go fishin... soooooooooooo long nvr go fishin le...

had our breakfast at prata shop first.. then off we went to yishun dam to find father... he was fishin there very early in the mornin le... weather started quite coolin... n it started rainin... then sunny.... heng got big umbrella...

end our fishin at abt 2pm... go home rest.. wash bike...

nite time.. went back chong pang for dinner... then drive di di back to camp...

pass by yishun dam.. stop by to c the fire work... so beautful...