Friday 10 August 2007

2nd visit to the Gynae

yty was my second visit to the gynae..

i knock off work at 5.30.. reach sengkang mrt at 6.15... ask hubby to register for me first while i on my way... but still need to wait lol... when i reach.. i highlighted to them tat i being to cck branch last week de.. but the nurse told me.. they haven trf my card over.. so.. i got to re-register a new card lol... she was very nice.. tell us to go shop shop first... will give us a call once its our turn...

as usual.. i throw my temper again.. haha.. i hungry ma.. :( so we went to breadtalk to get each a bread.. went to food court n get a drink n eat our bread.. cos his mum cook at home le.. so we cant eat first.,..

very soon.. we got the call.. its our turn.. so we went to the clinic... n i m the next le...(6.40pm)

dr.. as usual as the same old ques for the first timer... but i told him i had seen him last wk.. he still can rmb... wat happen.. tats great lol... then i do my scan... bb heart beat can b seen.. but is like not as strong as last scan lol... tot got some problem... so i ask the dr.. but he confirm bb progressing fine... tat rest my heart asure...

we will given a package to sign up.. cost $550.. tats include all check up til i give brith... only exclude special test tat we need to take in wk16 n wk20.. n some other medicine... normal check up n medicines are all included in the package... some more n off set my previous bills... jus tat they cant find my first visit billin... so i can only sign up the next visit... which is in two weeks time...

yty visit cost me another $164 dollar le... cos i took some more medicine.. tat add on the cost... hai..




  1. All the best and wish you a smooth pregnancy..
    Take care...

  2. Mmm, must enjoy the process oh. most important is to keep ur mood gd. so that u wil have a happy pregancy n ur bb will be very cheerful (tats wad i heard fm most of my friend)

  3. Glad to hear that you are progressing smoothly, take care & rest well...

  4. Pregnancy is a really enjoying. Especially for first born. Take the time to relax .. don't throw temper... rememember what grandma always say.. "tai jiao".. haha... Have Fun.
