Thursday 2 August 2007

1st visit to the gynae

yty wasnt a very good day for me... kind of scary off... cos i m havin the brownish discharge.. for quite a while le... even b4 i come to know tat i m preg... n yty i have it worst off... quite heavy n havin bad cramps... i got very worry... call up few gynae to make appoinment.. but guess too late min... hard to find one...

ends up.. i went to Dr adrian Woodworth... but he was not at Sengkang yty nite.. got to go all the way to CCC... heng my hubby dun mind... we waited for abt half an hr...

Dr ask some ques ..since its my first time to c him... then i start tellin him abt my worries... he does an ultra scan on me... FIRST time.. i saw the BB... saw somethin blinkin... n dr told us.. tats the heart beat... n i was told i m abt 6wk preg le.. EDD is Mar08... tats fast rite..

i nvr tot i m goin to b mummy so soon... but jus let god decide ba... thing jus cant always b under our own control de rite...

took our medicine.. n pay the bill... WOW..shock me.. i tot at the most 70-80 ba...but it turns out to b $157... i even ask the nurse... is it alway so X??? hehehe... she say depend on wat check up i did... then give me a break down of the bill... consultation cost $50 le... plus ultra scan another $45 ba... plus medicine... all add up tat price lol... now i m considering... sld i go back to him again next fri... or i sld jus go KK... n get the gov subsi de gynae... but hubby say dun wan.. cant stand the long waitin time.. so jus go back to him... will c how in next few days ba..

these two days.. i start feelin the morning sickness le... not only mornin lol... is like whole day... feelin giddy... wana vomit... feel hungry but yet dun feel like eating... once i finish my food.. got bloated stomach.. n wan vomit le... but i read somewhere... its a good sign.. with morning sickness.. tat mean BB is growin... i hope so too...


  1. Hi Claudia,
    Congrats & take care of urself. :)

  2. did the gynae give you any jab? i got a jab each on my 2 visits due to spottings. the jab is suppose to 安胎. must take care ok. try not to move around too much. :)

  3. congrats to u! take care and like wat celynlee mentioned, try not to move around too much.. you will also start to feel tired more easily... =)

  4. congrates... you got a baby... so happy for you.......

  5. hello.. congrats!! welcome to the mummies club... rest well... don't walk to much especially this 2 months... remember don't take heavy things...

  6. thks joyce... will need LOTS of ur advice soon.. hehe

  7. Hi dear, i think the fees you paid is way too expensive. You can try another private gynae, Dr Venga at Tampines, my 1st gynae fees cost less than $100. There will be ultrasound and pills also included... With Dr Venga you will be deliver at Eastshore and can chose which class you want to be warded after labour.. Trust me, its not that high..Maybe every month visit will cost you $80 bucks or so..

    Anyway that brown discharge is common during the early pregnancy, i experience that too.. it will go away after 6th month or depends on individual.. :)

  8. Thks dreamloverlady,
    i jus got a package from tat gynae at $550 for the rest of my check up til birth... u thk reasonable>??? tat package can use to offset my first time visit cost as well.. n tat include all normal blood test n scan n medicine n consultation...

    my first visit can b so x.. i b4 is dur to the hormone table i got.. $25 per pack lol...

  9. $550 is okey... Better take package...Save lots of trouble.. At times you might feel unconfortable down there in the womb, its normal but shouldn't bleed... If bleed, see that gynae immediately, thats where the package comes in handy..

    You may call me SITI. Take care mommie to be...

  10. siti,
    thks ... i m quite worry with my baby stabliblity lol.. cos i still need to take the hormone table... make me feel tat baby is weak ... i dun even dare to plan too far now.. n even went to ask the nurse.. if i sign the package now.. wat if anythin happen n i lost the baby.. haha.. she say.. not refundable ..

  11. heyy do not say that. Mum must be strong, then baby will be strong, share with you something. On my 7th month pregnancy, i had a freaking fall from the bus. You may refer to my blog, which i blogged abt. I was at KKh for observation for 4 hours...

    As you know 1st baby is the most precious and prone to miscarriage.. But im glad that the baby strong will to live is very strong! After that fall, i cried so much even during the observation.. I was so scared i lost the baby at 7th month! (That was on 070707) the date i can never forget...

    So you must be strong too. Think positive is important.

    Take all pills or tablets that was prescribed by gyane. You may feel like puking taking the same pills everyday, but do it for the sake of the baby...

    Im sure you can make it dear...

  12. Anyway both mummy and baby survived the fall... Pray hard that everything goes well ok..

    Take care always.. listen to your body, rest more if you need...

  13. hehe.. will keep ur advice in mind... thks...
