Tuesday 30 October 2007

Surprise from my boss... :)

Yty was a wonderful day to me…


It jus beginning as per usual.. went to work.. weather was wet… raining.. I went to tabao as per normal.. but due to the rain.. n I nvr carry umbrella.. so I decided to have burger king for lunch..


When I was back at the ofc.. my boss was still ard.. I settle myself in the meetin room.. prepare to eat my burger.. when suddenly my boss walk in.. he pass me something n was mumbling something..which I nvr catch it… I jus reply.. oh ok ok…


Then he went out for lunch le… I take a look at wat he pass to me.. to my surprise.. tat was my pay chq… I read the letter he gave me… then I know wat happen


I nvr expect tat he will give me an increment so fast… wef oct this mth.. which was exactly one year since I work here…


N the increment was a 10% increase wo… I was so happy.. call my hubby to tell him…


He ask me to treat him dinner then… so we decided to go sake sushi … enjoy our dinner at Compasspoint branch…


All thks to my boss for the big surprise…

1 comment:

  1. hi shupei, congrats... it's a nice feeling to received such letter especially personally from boss with a surprise.
