Wednesday 12 December 2007

Are You Ready???

Last Nite, I was reading the book given to me as birthday cum Christmas gift from Shi ling.. (Nice workin partner)… A very good book with almost everything abt pregnancy from the beginning.. til first yr of baby…


Hubby was playing him PSP beside me.. then I come to this topic abt father to be responsibilities… n one question jus happen to pop out in my mind…


Me: “ Dear, I got one ques to ask u…”


Dear: “ wat” n he pause his game n move closer to me…


Me: “ Oh.. Jus wana ask u… r u prepare to b a father”


Dear (without second tot): “ Yes, I m”


Me (Surprise n shock): “ har.. u sure?? How prepare r u then?”


Dear: “ O.. I will pass on my PSP to baby in future lol.. let him play.. so now I must master the games first.. so tat in future when he ask me how to play the games.. I can teach him le…else no face ah”


Me: “HAR!!!”


tats my hubby… OMG **FAINT**