Friday 28 December 2007

Lots to update..but no time...

i had lots to update into my blog but i jus cant find time to do so after christmas.. hehe\

25/12/2007 (Christmas Day)

cos Christmas eve we didn get to eat my ice cream at swensen.. so Hubby bought me to swensen for our breakfast cum lunch plus ICE CREAM.. hehe ( thk i m cravin for cold stuff recently.. Oops)

Then we decided to go discovery centre, since our last time there was many year ago. Manage to find our way there this time (Keke). But we reach there quite late.. at abt 2pm le.. got our ticket which include two movies. We book for one 3D show at 2.15pm (Shark) n another 2D movie at 3.15pm .. after the show... we went into the centre to explore le.. like nothing much leh.. hai.. n we miss the SAF tour.. wat a waste rite.. but we do have fun there.. all thanks to my dear!!!

This Discovery entrance




We at the theatre.. waitin for the show to start..





Look at hubby.. playing 'game'.. hahaha






Catcha!!! again





26/12/2007 (Wed)

Dun need to go office today, but need to attend course at Raffles place. Tats the worst place which i always hate to go. So crowded n stress being there lol.. the other day i went there for course with Shi Ling. Buckle Shi Ling was around. We were on the escalator.. when the lady infront of me fall backward.. i was shock.. she lay on tummy.. i hold tight to the handle while Shi Ling who was standin next to me..quickly hold on her.. to prevent her to fall further.. so Heng.. else i duno wat will happen ah..

27/12/2007 (Thur)

Went to work as usual today.. but i have planned.. hehe for shopping.. told my hubby last nite tat i wana go Expo Metro sale.. cos Friday we need to attend Antenatal lesson n i dun wana go on wkend.. Avoid the crowded ma.. but... early mornin.. i receive a msg from Yeen Teen. Say the ham he ordered will send to her place this afternoon.. tat mean.. hubby need to go down to collect them after work.. cant meet me at Expo le.. SiAn!! so i went to the expo by MRT after work.. n starts my shoppin first while waiting for him..

theres still lots of ppl ard in the sale.. but still acceptable.. walk ard.. got lots of stuffs.. looking for wire nursing bra.. but cant find.. end up i chose few clothing for baby again n got nothing for myself.. thk tat wat boss once say.. once i got bb.. every thing i tot is for bb first..rather then myself le.. i will shop for bb then myself le.. hehe.. tats true lol..

when hubby arrive.. he chose some tops n i got few for my brother oso.. spend abt $127 there.. wow!!

28/12/2007 (Fri)

Tdy lunch on Boss. Mr N Mrs Lim brought us to Rendezvous for international buffet. WE reali ate a lot n got ourself stuff with food .. til i skip dinner ah.. hehehe..

Our antenatal lesson resume le.. tdy lesson was abt labour n pain relief.. i had read abt this topic b4 this lesson.. but i m somehow still scare.. hai.. how to face tat..


1 comment:

  1. hehe, dun be scared :)

    the actual day all will be fine :)
