Sunday 30 December 2007

Last Day of YR2007... Moving On to YR2008

SO since its the last day of the yr 2007... guess i need a 'summary' of my whole year ba

In yr2007,

Wat i have achieve:

1) Pass my Advance taxation paper

2) Marry to my man on 30 Jun 2007

3) Come to know i m pregnant on 29 July 2007

4) Move on to live with my inlaws 'peacefully'

5) Got increment in Oct07

My Target for next yr2008:

- hope to give birth to my health prince naturally w/o eip

- TBF my prince for at least 6mths

- Pass at least my audit paper

- Have a short trip to anywhere other then MSIA. (hehe)

- Silm down to the figure i use to have b4 pregnant

- improve myself further as being a wife/daughter/mother/inlaw/sister role


Will keep the list goin.. n bare in mind wat target i had set.. sure to work towards it..

All the best to myself!! N all my frens n sisters n brothers n ofcos my family members n My Dearest hubby...

To hubby: we will both b movin to a new role in the comin 2008.. let pray tat things will turn out fine.. n we will keep our promise to b supportive to each other no matter wat... Me n baby you

To baby: Daddy n mummy here are lookin forward to meet u in the comin 2008.. u must b guai guai de.. n dun give mummy to much hard time k.. daddy n mummy  you!!!

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