Monday 5 May 2008

First Day @ work

Yty was me first day back to work. Ride to work as usual. CTE still as jam as b4 but I still manage to reach within half an hr. My usual carpark only allow occupant to park now hence I went to park at my office building. Need to pay parkin fee now.


Woke up at 6am tot of feeding bb. But he was so sleepy. I keep ticker him, turn him abt. But he jus keep his eyes close. Luckly I manage to feed him for awhile b4 leavin him to work. Left home at 7.20am n reach ofc at 7.45am.


First day at work, was excited sharing with my boss n fren abt my little Shawn. But come to expressing bm. Wasn’t as easy as I tot lol.. I told my boss I need to express milk few time during the ofc hr. She was very encouraging. But I reali feel so pai say to go to the meetin room to pump lol. Some more must prepare this n tat. … get pump from freezer, prepare milk bag, get adaptor ready, tissue…etc etc.. then I still bring my working file into the room to do. Cant jus sit there n pump n do nothing lol.. I feel bad.. Lucky I have reali good bosses…


Left ofc at 5.35pm n reach home at 6.05pm.. CTE still as jam. Heng I m riding n not driving.


Saw mil feedin bb the moment I step into the hse. She was like trying to explain. Cos I told her wait for me to come back for the 6pm feeding. She say bb was crying n crying. Cant wait le.. hehehe.. can c she was very tired le. She say bb keep crying, hardly slp lol.


I quickly bring bb to the room n feed him. Tell him not to cry le. Dun let mummy see him crying n crying after long day at work. Reali miss him so much today.


After dinner, I bring bb to room to feed n coax him to slp le. He reali fall aslp very fast. So m i. I m oso very tired tdy.


Slp early oso mean waking up at odd hr in the nite lol. He woke up at 11.45pm, 2am, 3.45am… then 6am.. I got to wake him up to feed b4 I go for work. Wonder how long can I tahan this kind of tiring chore. For Shawn, I will sure able to endure it.


To Shawn: Mummy must go work to earn more $$ to give u better life. Cant jus left the burden to daddy. Daddy is oso very stress over work le. U must guai guai n listen to grandy. B good boy at home. Mummy will rush home after work everyday to nurse u k. Daddy & Mummy LOVES Shawn.


Photo taken b4 i left for work on 5/5/08


  1. Ohh so sweet..
    Sure Shawn will know that mummy is out to work to give Shawn a good life..
    1st Day of work after maternity are always the emotinal one..

    ~mommie siti & Baby Ilhan~

  2. wow, on bike :)

    thnaks for sharing abt pumping in office :)

  3. You r such a wonderful mummy. ;)

  4. i'm sure shawn can feel ur love for him. jia you... u are a great mother!

  5. I oso hope i can b shawn wonderful mummy... hope i can b determine over bf n pump at ofc.. not as easy as i tot lol... :)
