Thursday 22 May 2008

Its Friday !!!!

Ho!! HO!! Ho!!... it is Friday le.. so glad.. at least wkend coming.. n I can rest at home.. provided Shawn guai guai de.. drink milk liao sleep la.. Hubby need to work OT to earn more $$ lol.. lots of expenses coming up la.. hai.. or mayb he is earnin extra $$ to give me a surprise on our first year annevrsivery.. hehe… since I got my N82 phone for giving birth to Shawn… wat will I get this time leh… kekeke.. (*Dreaming*)

These few nite.. Shawn didn reali demand for milk as much as b4 le.. but he still keep stretching here n there.. n make ‘Er er’ noise.. which will wake me up to look at him.. like on stand by.. anytime he start crying.. I will pop in my nipple to feed him… hahaha.. I feel like moo moo cow lol..

Shawn dun cry so much now.. he only will make noise to signal wat he wan now.. n his timing is quite stable liao.. so more or less we know wat he expect by lookin at the time now.. he will drink milk.. til he let go himself when I latch him on.. then we will play/talk to him for abt 30min-1 hr… by then when he start makin noise.. we will know he is tired.. wana slp le.. will put him into yao lan.. let him slp til next feedin time.. when ever we hear him poo.. we will change him when he is awake.. he seldom cry for change le..

Seem like mayb Shawn demand is increasing soon..cos I notice my milk supply has increase le.. since supply = demand… jus hope I can carry on to meet his demand.. reali dun like the idea of givin up to FM lol..

Next wk I m goin outauditin again.. this time.. dun thk I can find a good place to express le.. mayb will rush down to bugis junction during lunch time to express once.. n I might need to skip my 4pm session le.. but will I feel engore?? Wonder any other solution hor… will c how then lol..


  1. glad to hear tat :) hmm.. my supply dun seems to increase.. so wat to do. . ?? sometimes really feel like giving up.. though im doing partial breast feeding..

  2. feel engore is still ok... as long it don leak! Or... no choice pump in the toilet, I am doing that everyday in the office now. Supply is dropping due to pumping and no latching during the day time. *sad*

  3. I bought the maunal pump at kidzloft tat day.. only $10..keke thk mayb i will use tat to pump at client place toliet.. but scare dirty toliet ah.. i try using it last nite.. manage to pump out 100ml.. then i stop le.. hand swan la..

    Danadele.. dun give up.. keep latchin on.. will help de.. i very hardworkin toward bf lol.. i pump 3 time at ofc.. go home evenin..latch him.. will nurse him directly whenever i m home.. thk tat helps.. n nite time i try to pump if he didn ask to drink...

  4. wow... claudia, you are v persistent! hahah i feel like a cow sometimes too. jia you wor. o ya... ur boy boy's features more and more define liao leh. he is growing up to be a xiao shuai ge! v charming smile hee~
