Friday 9 May 2008

I survive for my first wk back to work ...

Oh me!! i survive!! hehehe...

My "energy pack" i store during my maternity leave has been use up le.. in jus one wk.. when it come to Fri.. i was so tired.. Feel like wana faint when i close my eyes to rest at work.. like whole nite didn sleep..

Shawn nite feedin time is in a mess le.. he can jus wake up anytime n make noise.. he knows is nite nite time.. wont cry as loud as day time.. but he jus keep making noise.. thk he got wind in his stomach... having hard time passing out the wind... will cry when forcing... but stop crying once fart...

i was at client ofc since wed.. tat makes pumpin even more difficult.. i need to do it in the toliet.. n problem is..theres only 1 ladies... ppl start waitin outside when i got out.. so pai say.. somemore is a pregnant lady.. she knew i m pumpin inside.. n got curious.. asked me lots of ques on bf..

i schedule my pumpin 3 time daily... since i leave home later for the wk.. i did my 1st session at home.. the follow by lunch time.. n 4pm time.. my ss was decreasing everyday since day 1 of work.. guess i reali need more rest to boost my ss ba..

hopin wkend to come n i can rest.. but.. hai my hubby disappoint me again.. so sad..

he told me he wana go fishing on sat.. i was like.. huh!! told u sld look after shawn n let me catch some slp.. i insist he sldnt go.. reason it out with him.. remindin him he daddy of Shawn le.. sld do his part.. i let his slp everynite.. he nvr once need to wake up to help n look after shawn lol.. yet he is taking me for granted le.. so sad.. hope my reasoning can get into his mind n he know wat he need to do lol...



  1. i tink most of the guys presented in this way.. hmm. . my hubby too.. gotta always wake him up in the middle of the nite to feed baby and i will do pumping..

  2. Must tell your hubby how you feel. During my first month, my hubby act as though he was still single. Always leave me and baby at home. At that time, baby always cry for i dunno what reason and I really wanted to throw baby on the floor whenever she cried. So scared to be alone at home. Told hubby how I felt and now hubby will always try to come home early and help me out. In the nights or mornings, he will help with whatever he can.

    When i started work, I pump at 5am, 130pm and 10pm everyday. Supply also drop but then, got BM better than none right? We're already trying our best so don't worry too much la! :)

    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. happy mother's day to every mummy :)

    thks gal.. in the end he didn go out on sat.. n come out with silly new invertion to rock bb.. while i reali get to catch some rest... guysss..
