Thursday 29 May 2008

So disappointed with MYSELF!!!

I m so disappointed with myself..

Tat day when I reach home my mil told me shawn bottle treat looks a bit out of shape.. so I quickly went to have a look at it.. OMG!! Thk I always sterilliz it after each use.. n cos it to expand bigger.. touch on it.. is stinky  n thk the rubber has melt le… Y I didn notice it.. wat a mummy I m.. so careless.. I was worri will the last few days using it to drink cos anything harmful to shawn… y didn I notice it earlier…

Now I need my mil to tell me wats shawn daily routine le.. wat time he drink.. how long he can play.. n when he need to sleep.. My mil can tell by looking at Shawn wat he needs.. n as a mummy.. I m so lousy.. I need more time to spend with Shawn.. but how???

I miss those days I was on maternity leave.. when I can b with shawn 24hrs every day..

Now whenever shawn know I m at home.. he refuse take nap .. even on wkend.. when I put him into yao lan.. he will cry to get out.. I carry him.. he yawn.. can tell he is tired le.. but he jus wan to b with me.. thk he oso felt tat I didn spend enough time with him ba..

Every evening.. when I reach home.. at ard 6pm.. I need to quickly pack the express milk into the freezer then take out the next day supply n put into lower compartment.. then quickly take a shower.. n soon shawn will wake up for milk.. I feed him.. n let him sit at the rocking chair to rest while I eat my dinner.. will try to put him into yao lan to slp a while.. use to b successful de… but recently.. he refuse to a slp le.. he will yawn  while I carry him.. yawn n yawn.. yet jus dun wana slp.. yty was waiting for daddy to come home.. cos daddy do ot.. upon he come back.. shawn cry for milk.. then go to sleep.. very fast de lol… poor boy.. if only we can have more time for him..


  1. It is not easy to be a FTWM... and furthermore u BF! Take it slowly... dun blame urself...

  2. yupz, all FTWM will prob end up like that..too little too

  3. That's normal to react this way... that's the way first time mummy does... I was like that also...
    You will learn your way ... about the bottle tit... if sterlize too long in boiling water or high temp... it will spoil faster and bad for health... if boiling it... once water reaches 100 degree, boil another 1 or 2 min only... if put in microwave, medium on 5min only.. DO NOT OVERCOOK or OVER-sterilize... my daughter bottle and tit and use for long time...

    take it easy, there's alway a solution to any problem..

  4. want to add on:

    baby this time, they are all very intelligent... they know how and when to seek more attention... I remembered when my girl was 9 mth old, the father went out one friday evening to meet friends... he left her with me... then as soon as the father left the house, she wailed loudly... within 5 minutes the father is back home... we stayed in the 9th level... apparently the father said he could hear her screaming from 1st level... ai yo... he don't have the heart to go liao.

    So he called his buddy to cancel the date... and only after 4 years later the father really have a chance to meet his buddies on friday night.... one must give up alot to have a child... that's what I learn.

    Personally, I work in the day and care for baby at night... and no shopping and that goes on for 4-5 years, even sat and sun its baby time for 24hour... its a commitment one has to go through. even whe I shop, its quick and fast type... I'm sure you are feeling it as well...

  5. thks thks thks!!!

    i do feel the lost of freedom le.. but worth it when i c shawn smiling :)

  6. for myself personally, I try to spend more time taking care of baby when I am at home, plus breastfeeding helps alittle in the bonding part. I am also a working mum with my mother taking care of my baby when I go to work, so far I try hard to have time with baby alone without my mum. Maybe you can try that, somehow with some patience, will be able to notice and tell what baby wants in awhile... =) *don stress urself too much

  7. hey!! i am a lousier mommy ok!! i leave my kids with aunty 24/7 only bring home on fridays!!! hheheheeeee.. i dun spend much time with them. Friday night come home.. sleep.. sunday noon bring back over.. dun even bring thm out.. so dun be guilty ok!! hahahaa.. FTWM is like that lah! hard to spend time with kids.. but i am happy cause they know i'm their mommy!!! =) thats is enough for me.. or probably cause i am always contented with what i have.. i dun hv high expectations.. as long as my kids r under gd care.. they know i'm their mommy.. thats more then enuff..
