Sunday 29 June 2008

2nd Vacc on 28 Jun @3mth2wk old

Shawn took his 2nd vacc and rotavirus le.. our appointment was actuali on Fri(27Jun) but we cancel it.. n decided to walk in on sat.. arrived at The Kids Clinic @ 8.30am.. already 3 person q infront of us le.. n some more Doc come in late.. ard 9.30am.. hence we only get to c the doc at 10am.. where Shawn had fallen a aslp..n woke up le... n i breast feed him once while waitin le.. long long waitin,,,

Bring shawn home to rest.. n wait for my insurance agent to come at 2pm.. she arrived slightly late.. but her service is good i sld say.. she help me to draw up some financial planning.. plus shawn medical insurance as well.. told me to consider her suggestion first.. then get back to her again.. no hard selling.. tat wat i like.. givin me more time to consider..

went back yishun after tat... looking at my mummy smiling.. n playing with shawn.. reali thk tat i sld come home more frequent.. she must b bored.. my poor mummy..


Thursday 26 June 2008

2nd review @ eye specialist kkh

Shawn has fully recover le.. i m so glad tat doc prove tat he is fine le.. can stop eye drop.. n dun need anymore review liao.. so hapi!!!

I took half day yty to meet hubby n mil n bb at kkh.. but when i reach they r already in the room.. doc reviewing him le.. n doc told me he is fine liao.. those test they took show nothing grown in his eye.. *thks god*...

after bring shawn home.. hubby bring me to register for study.. i tot of goin FTMS.. but when i reach .. i cant find the centre.. call up pris to check.. then i come to know tat ftms has move to Raffles place le.. hahaha.. blur me!! so we end up in FTC.. took a while for to to decide on which paper to take.. n i end up with P2.. tat cost me $680 le.. hai...lesson start next Fri.. reali hope i can cope..

After tat..we went to Yishun for hair cut.. had our hair trim n color... cos next wed we are takin our first family photo at studio.. to mark our first anniversary ma.. :) with new member some more.. so nice..hee!!


Sunday 22 June 2008

Shawn admited to KKH

On thur nite, we notice somethin is wrong with Shawn.. he nvr cry so badly at nite b4.. nfor tat nite.. he woke up every hr to cry,, n worst is he keep his eye shut.. refuses to open..i latch him on to calm him down,, n finally fall aslp,, but within half an hr.. he will wake up n cry loudly le...

mil carry on to observe him for the day.. on friday mornin n afternn, he oso cry with eye shut..appetite affected.. from usual 150ml.. drop to 50-100ml only...

when we got home.. he still cry a bit.. i manage to coax him to slp at 11.30pm.. but he woke up at 12.30am..cryin badly..n still with eyes shut.. so we decided to bring him to kkh..

Reach kkh at 1.15am,, waited a while then a junior doc attend to us.. explain to him shawn's condition.. he suggest tat we wait for a senior doc to review him.. so we waited outside,,,

the senior doc reviewed him.. n suggest we admit him to let them observe.. cos shawn is so young,, n with sore eye for more then 2 wks le.. some more appetite no good.. we agreed.. n i ask her whether will shawn eye side by affected.. she told me hard to say.. possible since he is so young.. n tats their worries too.. my heart sunk when i heard tat n burst out cryin le.. i m so worry

went to the warded 6221 @2am++.. waited til 3am then doc come to c him.. he say shawn might need to jec antibiotic.. i ask for alternative.. cos i reali cant bare to c my son little hand being poke like tat..i know i will sure cry with him de... he say will depend wat the eye specialist say later after c him.. i pray he wont need.. hubby n mil left at 3.30am.. i stay there to look after shawn.. he keep cryin n cant get to slp.. i got to carry him n stroll out the ward to prevent him disturbing other kids... not easy to carry a 7kg bb for the whole nite n some more i didn get to slp at all... my arm ache like hell the next day,,

hubby n mil come at 10am .. mil took over to carry him.. i sat on the chair n took a nap.. waitin to c the eye specialist at 3pm..

bring shawn down to c the eye specialist.. she is reali pro lol.. by lookin at shawn record,, she know wat happen le.. tellin us wat she will do n tell us not to worri if he cry n bleed.. she wrap shawn up to prevent him movin his hand.. open his eye n put antiseptic eye drop,, put yellow dye into his eyes.. n shine with the violet light.. we can c lots of creamy substance on his eye.. she say is those membrane tat hurt him when he open his eyes.. so we must remove them.. she use cotton stick n gently wipe away.. which cos bit bleeding.. it reali hurts my heart to c him goin thro these...

cos then antiseptic still workin on him.. so he dare to open up his eyes n play with us.. doc say he can go home.. but need to go back for review on mon morning,, hope he will b fine then n dun need to go thro anymore pain le

Look at him.. so angry with his mummy.. must b thkin "bad mummy keep forcing me to put eye medicine.. "  :(

Saturday 21 June 2008

Shawn back home from KKH

the antiseptic medicine still workin on his eyes

My Poor shawn with Sore Eye since 8June til now...

on 8 jun

My darling catch his sore eye from mil.. do got well but worst off after tat.. went PD twice le.. Went into KKH on 20Jun 2am.. was ask to ward in 6221.. wait to c the eye specialist... reason y we decided to bring him to hospital.. cos since 19 Jun nite.. he refuses to open his eyes.. keep cryin with eye close.. no matter how we try to make him open them.. he jus refuse... eye specialist found some membrane in them.. n remove them.. he bleed :( he cry.. for the next 3-4 days.. he will still remain eyes close.. due to the pain... i cant rmb how many time i cry with him le.. when the doc at kkh c him.. i ask whether when his eye side b affect... doc reply me.. hard to say,, tats wat they r worry..cos sore eye for 2 wk plus he is only 3 mth old... my heart sunk..n i burst out cryin at tat moment....

Thursday 12 June 2008

2nd PD visit for this wk

Yty evenin when i got home, mil ask me hows shawn eye..  i was surprise tat she ask tat.. cos she was the one lookin after shawn for the day ma.. but i still ans her.. " he looks better le.. wed nite i c tat he can open his eye widely le.. n no more tear drops le...jus bit red..." then i quickly went to pack my milk to fridge n bath.. (as usual)

When i got out of the bath room.. Shawn has woke up.. mil carryin him.. n i was shock to c shawn's eye.. Left eye was swollen n n wet.. wat a mess... then i know his eye got worst off le.. we decided to go to the PD the next day le...

this morning, i was hoping to see his eye got improvement. But is still swollen n he hardly can open up his eye.. we left our home at 8.15am.. wanting to register early n hubby can go back work in the afternoon.. we waited at the clinic til 9.30am..cos Dr Lilian lim come in later.. heng we r the sec one..

She say shawn case seem like kana some dun call wat vrius.. some prolong kind of sore eye..n he need to b put on antibiotic le.. hope tat he will fine in 5 days time..else he will need to go back to c her le.. pray tat he dun need to c her til 27 jun for 2nd jec ba...

so sad to see my darling need to take antibiotic now.. but shawn is reali guai lol.. at least when i feed him.. even he dun like the medicine, he didn cry or make noise de... i put the mixture into his mouth.. he look at me.. i try close up his mouth.. he will bur out bit of the mixture.. then after he swollow it.. i feed him bits of water... as for eye drop.. he will turn his head away..but i can easily use his toy to distract him..

my mil is so worry n upset tat she has pass shawn the vrius.. i know she wana sayang shawn.. but i guess some kpo aunty must has been saying thing behind... must have told her to avoid bb cos we might not like it or wat... cos when i prepare shawn bathin stuff this morning.. she tot i wana bath him myself.. usual mil bath bb de.. so i ask her whether she wana bath him... she quickly reply 'can ah?? i can bath him ah?' ... of cos ah... no body wan shawn to get sick de lol... i dun blame anyone.. expect myself for being so careless... n let shawn suffer..

i tell myself.. bb will b fine de.. children sure will get sick once in a while.. tats their growing process lol.. he will b ok soon :)


Tuesday 10 June 2008

Shawn is better le!!!

Bought bb Shawn to c dr Lillian Lim on Monday morning. I jus cant wait til Mornin evening le. So worry tat his eye got worst.

Doctor gave him an eye drop n a mixture to taken for his swollen eye. So poor thing. SO young n got to take all this. But for his good, he got to take it.

Gave him the first dose upon we reach home. Since this is something he didn try b4. He was like so greedy de waitin for me to put the syringe into his mouth. N he was happily taking it but with a frown later. So cute.. but for the next few dose.. he become smart le.. throw out all the syrup le.. noti boy!!!

Luckily tat he didn give us a hard time even he is sick. He jus sleep as per normal. Feed as usual. I was on leave on mon to look after him. N mil get to rest for the whole day. Hubby brings her to the doc again cos her eyes are still swollen. Tats becos she wan her eye to heal fast, so keep using the eye drop. N I thk overdose le n got them too dry up. Poor thing..

I was a bit pissed off by hubby on mon.. I reali duno m I reali too much or…. Hubby keeps wantin to go fishin.. I insist tat he cant go out at nite.. so he say he sld get to go on day time.. but tat was getting so often.. fri I was on mc.. he bring me to doc.. then send me back to rest.. n went out fishin le… then mon.. we send Shawn to doc.. then back home.. then hubby went doc for check up.. n call back home.. tell me he wana go fatch his fren.. then go fishin.. AGAIN… I was angry.. n jus slam down the phone.. we start off SMS.. he start to say stuff like he feel like losin his freedom.. go anywhere oso must ask me.. BUT.. I tot since we have kid le.. we sld spend more time with bb rite.. wats so big deal to go FISHING??? Tats his hobby.. then wat abt me?? Wat relaxation I have now?? M I jus too selfish?? I try to let him go as often as I can stand it.. but he is reali goin overbroad le… takin things for granted.. we did sit down to tok… but I jus cant get how I feel into his mind… he feel tat I m controlling him.. restrict his freedom… HOW???

To Dear: if u happen to read this.. pls.. I m not tryin to restrict u in anyway. I jus felt tat being parent le.. We sld reali give up on certain things.. not totally but at least partial.. Our main concern now sld b our darling n save $$ for our future nest.. I know u do loves us very much.. at least not any lesser then I do.. is jus our mind set over certain things r different.. Communication is our main solution.. so pls voice out if I reali upset u in anyway.. I dun wan everything to burst out suddenly after long accumulating.. Jus rmb.. I reali love u dear..

Sunday 8 June 2008

Classified - BN/Preloved items for sale

Item bought in Jan08. Set up only after bb born in Mar08. BB refuse to sleep in it. Prefer to slp with us. Condition ; 10/10 Box still available. Purchase @ $99

Some BN/Preloved item for sale. Will keep update for new items. Pls keep a look out :) Feel free to ask ques.

Shawn need to c PD TML!!! Urgent!!

Shawn kana SORE EYE ... his rite eye start to have some discharge since fri.. n yty i told hubby he seen to have catch the virus from mil le.. eye bit sore n red... hubby tot i pickin on mil... i jus tell myself.. mayb i reali too kan cheong.. but this mornin.. i saw yellow dischg le.. n is reali RED liao lol... quickly wake hubby up to see,, now he start to get nervous le...@%$^#

PD clinic close on sun.. must wait til tml.. Fri i was on MC..(due to blockage duct.. cos fever n sore breast lol..) so i tot i sldn take leave tml again.. must wait til after work then bring him there le.. sld b fine ba... i m worry lol...

hope shawn will b fine.. after c dr le.. he will  fine ... nothing else pls...