Saturday 21 June 2008

My Poor shawn with Sore Eye since 8June til now...

on 8 jun

My darling catch his sore eye from mil.. do got well but worst off after tat.. went PD twice le.. Went into KKH on 20Jun 2am.. was ask to ward in 6221.. wait to c the eye specialist... reason y we decided to bring him to hospital.. cos since 19 Jun nite.. he refuses to open his eyes.. keep cryin with eye close.. no matter how we try to make him open them.. he jus refuse... eye specialist found some membrane in them.. n remove them.. he bleed :( he cry.. for the next 3-4 days.. he will still remain eyes close.. due to the pain... i cant rmb how many time i cry with him le.. when the doc at kkh c him.. i ask whether when his eye side b affect... doc reply me.. hard to say,, tats wat they r worry..cos sore eye for 2 wk plus he is only 3 mth old... my heart sunk..n i burst out cryin at tat moment....


  1. Oh gosh... pray he will get will soon!

  2. hope he gets well soon. very upset when our precious gets hurt or sick...

  3. oh my.. is he better le mahz??

  4. he is better le.. left side recover le.. rite still bit red.. still need to continue eye drop..

  5. Happy to hear he getting better. Take care.
