Sunday 29 June 2008

2nd Vacc on 28 Jun @3mth2wk old

Shawn took his 2nd vacc and rotavirus le.. our appointment was actuali on Fri(27Jun) but we cancel it.. n decided to walk in on sat.. arrived at The Kids Clinic @ 8.30am.. already 3 person q infront of us le.. n some more Doc come in late.. ard 9.30am.. hence we only get to c the doc at 10am.. where Shawn had fallen a aslp..n woke up le... n i breast feed him once while waitin le.. long long waitin,,,

Bring shawn home to rest.. n wait for my insurance agent to come at 2pm.. she arrived slightly late.. but her service is good i sld say.. she help me to draw up some financial planning.. plus shawn medical insurance as well.. told me to consider her suggestion first.. then get back to her again.. no hard selling.. tat wat i like.. givin me more time to consider..

went back yishun after tat... looking at my mummy smiling.. n playing with shawn.. reali thk tat i sld come home more frequent.. she must b bored.. my poor mummy..


1 comment:

  1. "looking at my mummy smiling.. n playing with shawn.. reali thk tat i sld come home more frequent.. she must b bored.. my poor mummy.. " ---> i do agree.. when i bring gid to my mum place she was so delighted.. perhaps i oso shud go home frequent .. haiz..
