Thursday 26 June 2008

2nd review @ eye specialist kkh

Shawn has fully recover le.. i m so glad tat doc prove tat he is fine le.. can stop eye drop.. n dun need anymore review liao.. so hapi!!!

I took half day yty to meet hubby n mil n bb at kkh.. but when i reach they r already in the room.. doc reviewing him le.. n doc told me he is fine liao.. those test they took show nothing grown in his eye.. *thks god*...

after bring shawn home.. hubby bring me to register for study.. i tot of goin FTMS.. but when i reach .. i cant find the centre.. call up pris to check.. then i come to know tat ftms has move to Raffles place le.. hahaha.. blur me!! so we end up in FTC.. took a while for to to decide on which paper to take.. n i end up with P2.. tat cost me $680 le.. hai...lesson start next Fri.. reali hope i can cope..

After tat..we went to Yishun for hair cut.. had our hair trim n color... cos next wed we are takin our first family photo at studio.. to mark our first anniversary ma.. :) with new member some more.. so nice..hee!!



  1. glad that Shawn has recovered. :)

  2. ya ya.. :) every mummy wish our bb stay healthy... no sick sick hor...

  3. can't wait to see the pictures =) which studio

    so happy for u tat Shawn is ok liao :)

  4. Thks ladies..

    we taking it with Foto-U.. promo in the SMF de..
