Tuesday 10 June 2008

Shawn is better le!!!

Bought bb Shawn to c dr Lillian Lim on Monday morning. I jus cant wait til Mornin evening le. So worry tat his eye got worst.

Doctor gave him an eye drop n a mixture to taken for his swollen eye. So poor thing. SO young n got to take all this. But for his good, he got to take it.

Gave him the first dose upon we reach home. Since this is something he didn try b4. He was like so greedy de waitin for me to put the syringe into his mouth. N he was happily taking it but with a frown later. So cute.. but for the next few dose.. he become smart le.. throw out all the syrup le.. noti boy!!!

Luckily tat he didn give us a hard time even he is sick. He jus sleep as per normal. Feed as usual. I was on leave on mon to look after him. N mil get to rest for the whole day. Hubby brings her to the doc again cos her eyes are still swollen. Tats becos she wan her eye to heal fast, so keep using the eye drop. N I thk overdose le n got them too dry up. Poor thing..

I was a bit pissed off by hubby on mon.. I reali duno m I reali too much or…. Hubby keeps wantin to go fishin.. I insist tat he cant go out at nite.. so he say he sld get to go on day time.. but tat was getting so often.. fri I was on mc.. he bring me to doc.. then send me back to rest.. n went out fishin le… then mon.. we send Shawn to doc.. then back home.. then hubby went doc for check up.. n call back home.. tell me he wana go fatch his fren.. then go fishin.. AGAIN… I was angry.. n jus slam down the phone.. we start off SMS.. he start to say stuff like he feel like losin his freedom.. go anywhere oso must ask me.. BUT.. I tot since we have kid le.. we sld spend more time with bb rite.. wats so big deal to go FISHING??? Tats his hobby.. then wat abt me?? Wat relaxation I have now?? M I jus too selfish?? I try to let him go as often as I can stand it.. but he is reali goin overbroad le… takin things for granted.. we did sit down to tok… but I jus cant get how I feel into his mind… he feel tat I m controlling him.. restrict his freedom… HOW???

To Dear: if u happen to read this.. pls.. I m not tryin to restrict u in anyway. I jus felt tat being parent le.. We sld reali give up on certain things.. not totally but at least partial.. Our main concern now sld b our darling n save $$ for our future nest.. I know u do loves us very much.. at least not any lesser then I do.. is jus our mind set over certain things r different.. Communication is our main solution.. so pls voice out if I reali upset u in anyway.. I dun wan everything to burst out suddenly after long accumulating.. Jus rmb.. I reali love u dear..


  1. claudia, no worries... ur not selfish. sometimes i also feel like that. though my hb dun have much hobbies that excludes me, he still has his usual *after-fives* with his colleagues... I'll let him go but when i need him around, i'll kinda hope he rejects my offer to let him go out and stay at home with me and Ryan.
    *hugz* u're not alone...

  2. thks gal.. i oso hope he will wana stay at home willingly n not when i refuse to let him go out.. then he stay with a black face.. so sad de.. GUYS... ALL DADDIES... Y???

  3. glad tat shawn is better.

    dont worry too much... we all need a break too :) xiu xi shi wei le zou geng chang de lu... sometimes he takes a break, sometimes u take a break. for me, wenbin will bring me and ada to go shopping on weekends...u also dont hold your unhappiness inside... already daddy and mummy, say it out and things will slowly improve.
