Sunday 22 June 2008

Shawn admited to KKH

On thur nite, we notice somethin is wrong with Shawn.. he nvr cry so badly at nite b4.. nfor tat nite.. he woke up every hr to cry,, n worst is he keep his eye shut.. refuses to open..i latch him on to calm him down,, n finally fall aslp,, but within half an hr.. he will wake up n cry loudly le...

mil carry on to observe him for the day.. on friday mornin n afternn, he oso cry with eye shut..appetite affected.. from usual 150ml.. drop to 50-100ml only...

when we got home.. he still cry a bit.. i manage to coax him to slp at 11.30pm.. but he woke up at 12.30am..cryin badly..n still with eyes shut.. so we decided to bring him to kkh..

Reach kkh at 1.15am,, waited a while then a junior doc attend to us.. explain to him shawn's condition.. he suggest tat we wait for a senior doc to review him.. so we waited outside,,,

the senior doc reviewed him.. n suggest we admit him to let them observe.. cos shawn is so young,, n with sore eye for more then 2 wks le.. some more appetite no good.. we agreed.. n i ask her whether will shawn eye side by affected.. she told me hard to say.. possible since he is so young.. n tats their worries too.. my heart sunk when i heard tat n burst out cryin le.. i m so worry

went to the warded 6221 @2am++.. waited til 3am then doc come to c him.. he say shawn might need to jec antibiotic.. i ask for alternative.. cos i reali cant bare to c my son little hand being poke like tat..i know i will sure cry with him de... he say will depend wat the eye specialist say later after c him.. i pray he wont need.. hubby n mil left at 3.30am.. i stay there to look after shawn.. he keep cryin n cant get to slp.. i got to carry him n stroll out the ward to prevent him disturbing other kids... not easy to carry a 7kg bb for the whole nite n some more i didn get to slp at all... my arm ache like hell the next day,,

hubby n mil come at 10am .. mil took over to carry him.. i sat on the chair n took a nap.. waitin to c the eye specialist at 3pm..

bring shawn down to c the eye specialist.. she is reali pro lol.. by lookin at shawn record,, she know wat happen le.. tellin us wat she will do n tell us not to worri if he cry n bleed.. she wrap shawn up to prevent him movin his hand.. open his eye n put antiseptic eye drop,, put yellow dye into his eyes.. n shine with the violet light.. we can c lots of creamy substance on his eye.. she say is those membrane tat hurt him when he open his eyes.. so we must remove them.. she use cotton stick n gently wipe away.. which cos bit bleeding.. it reali hurts my heart to c him goin thro these...

cos then antiseptic still workin on him.. so he dare to open up his eyes n play with us.. doc say he can go home.. but need to go back for review on mon morning,, hope he will b fine then n dun need to go thro anymore pain le

Look at him.. so angry with his mummy.. must b thkin "bad mummy keep forcing me to put eye medicine.. "  :(


  1. poor shawn! hope he get well soon.

  2. poor thing... same look my boy give me when i force medi on him...

  3. Poor boy! Feel so sad and heartpain too... hope he recovers soon. Take care too.

  4. how is Shawn now? getting better? U must take care yrself also.

  5. Oh my poor boy....hope he get well soon.....please do keep us update on his condition... u oso need to take care of your healt hor.....

  6. i'm glad he's ok now, he went thru such an ordeal.

  7. thks ladies!! shawn better now.. left side recover.. rite side still b bit.. went eye specialist for review yty.. c him cry till all sweat when they force open his eye.. i oso cry with him lol.. doc say his left ok le.. rite side still got bit.. must continue eye drop n oilment.. thur to go back for review again...

  8. poor shawn. Hope he get well soon.
    By the way.. he has VERY VERY NICE EYES!!!
    gosh i love it man! saw his photos.. the double eyelid are gorgeous!!!

  9. heartpain when i read ur blog esp the part on "she use cotton stick n gently wipe away.. which cos bit bleeding"

    hope all will be well soon

  10. Adeline is right abt the charming eyes :)
