Thursday 31 July 2008

Nice layout

Done by WaiPeng. She select the pic n do the layout for me. Develop it into 8R for me. I like it very must. There are 3 pic . But i only manage to save two which she had posted in the SMF.

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Take II - Flip Flip shawn

Another take of my "complainsive" boy... hehe .. after turnin him to tummy so many time.. jus wana to video take him flipin.. he got angry le.. tats our boy..

Recent update of Shawn

first try on his "BMW"

Pic taken since 13Jul til todate. He is getting more n more active le. N lots of expression.

Shawn Flip

Manage to capture him flip. I m so hapi to witness him doing the first flip. Together with hubby..

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Shawn cry @ stranger... even...

Shawn can recognise ppl le.. He know whos the caretaker.. whos mummy n daddy...

Last sat when i went back my mummy place.. heng he still recognise wai po... but when mu brother come back. He wana carry shawn.. But Shawn burst out crying loud when my brother carry him.. tats when it starts...

At the lift when we goin back home.. he saw this malay gal.. Shawn stare at her hard... then when tat gal say " halo.. u r so cute..." there shawn goes again... crying out loud..

On Mon nite...( Shawn seldom c his ye ye) when my fil come back early.. i was siting at the living room carrying shawn on hand... then he come over to talk to shawn.. wana carry him.. b4 he carry him over.. shawn started crying again le... i quickly carry shawn again to calm him down first... after a while i try bring him to my fil again... n once again... he starts... My mil told me he oso cry when my bil wan carry him.. i was surprise at first.. after all we all stay together.. n yet shawn can dun recognise them... funny rite???

But last nite... Shawn seem to have recognise his ye ye le.... after few try for pass few days.. he let his ye ye to carry him le.. so nice..!!!

Everyone tell me to bring Shawn out more often in order to let him see more ppl. Train him not to scare of stranger. But is it necessary? i tot this is normal growth for baby... He jus dun come cry n dun recognise me... else i sure will cry with him de...


Shawn Flip le… On 23 July 2008, 6.30pm

Yty I happen to reach my place carpark at the same time as my hubby. So we went back home together. Shawn was drinking his milk when I reach home. He saw us n refuses to continue his milk le. So I quickly unpack my ebm n store into the freezer. Carry Shawn to the bedroom to play. I try to put him on his tummy. N within a sec he FLIP over to this back le. Tat was so fast. I quickly grab my hp. Wana to video take down it. Took a few time. He flips every time I put him on his tummy. Mayb he reali hate to b on tummy. Tats y always flip to his back.. He is so cute…

Sunday 13 July 2008

Shawn @ 4 mth old

On 12th July, Shawn is 4 mth old le.. n I had officially taken his mitten off.. keke.. wan him to touch n feel stuffs ard him… he is so hapi without mitten.. tryin to put his whole hand into his mouth.. noti shawn..


On 12th July, Hubby n I brought Shawn out to shop for his “BMW”…(Keke) his walker.. went to hypermkt n babykingdom.. try him on few walker.. but he dun seen to b interested.. so we jus end up with a poonbear walker.. recommended by the sale girl… N I happen to c the FisherPrice jumperoo.. so try Shawn in it.. he was so excited by the musician toys n lights.. he wan to cry when we wan to carry him out… so I tot let him play a while .. n I went to paid for the walker… sec try to bring him out.. he still wana cry… no choice le.. quickly carry him n left the place.. tat Jumperpoo cost $230+.. hubby wana buy for Shawn.. since he likes it.. but I refuse.. thking where got place to put it… but come to thk.. I oso tot of getting for him…

Went back to my mummy place.. Shawn was so good boy tat day.. no nonsense.. can play happily with my mum.. but when his slpin time comes.. at 8.30pm.. he start his ‘singing’ le… we quickly pack n go home…


On sun 13Jul, hubby went to work OT.. wana earn extra $$.. while I stay at home to look after Shawn.. woke up at 8plus.. shawn poo poo.. n mil not at home.. so I take this opportunity to bath my bb… bathin shawn is nvr a problem to me.. hehe…then I try shawn in his walker… he can move backward le.. but our place reali too crowded for him to walk lol… jus few steps.. n his is block le.. must keep turning him ard… but very soon he starts to make noise le.. wan get up le..

Lookin after Shawn reali need lots of energy lol.. he dun slp so much in the day le.. n thk I must find more activity for him liao.. he make noise when he got bored I thk… slp for 15-30min is enough now.. I was so busy with him.. til duno wat to play with him.. I bring him to the garden… he was lookin at those kids playin at the playground.. so excited.. guess he wana join them ba.. haha..

Shawn’s Nite is nvr the same de… he normali slp after 9pm.. at the most by 10pm he will b aslp… then he will wake up in the middle of the nite.. sometime once or twice… I will change his diaper when he wake up… then carry him to feed him.. til he slp.. then put him down… early last wk.. I started telling story to shawn when I breastfeed him in the evening… then in the middle of the nite… he will wake up to TALK… make so much noise… hubby was telling me… I tell shawn story in the evening.. he listen.. then nite time wake up n tell me the story again… ( ya ya.. as if rite!!!) … when I read him a story.. he will pause his drinking.. mouth still struck at my breast la.. eye wide open lookin at me.. so cute de… my mum say shawn must b thkin.. I m so noisy n disturbin him… (haha…)

My brother, yeen teen n mum come over my place to c shawn yty… My bro haven seen Shawn for few wks le.. he cant even recognise the shawn pic I put at his com as wallpaper.. he say Shawn had change so much… somehow I see him everyday.. n didn reali notice he change a lot…

Thursday 3 July 2008

Giddy spell!!

I kana this giddy spell ... since wed nite til NOW... went to c doc jus now.. was so worry i m preg.. hahaha!! but we did play safe la.. hehe... jus in case.. i did a preg test in the clinic la.. Is Negative (-)... so conclusion is... doc duno wat happen to me.. y i got this spinning...

MAYBE... due to my low blood count...or i didn drink enough fluid... or blood pressure too low... or i got not enough rest.... or.....

doc gave me medicine for giddiness n some iron table... was told to discard my bm after taking medicine.. jus in case it cause discomfort to bb...

jus taken my medicine.. gettin sleepy now le... later still need to go lesson.. my first lesson for corporate reporting... omg!! how to tahan til 9.45pm... luckly my dearest hubby will come to fatch me... he sure will surprise me with some supper de... hehe!!


Wednesday 2 July 2008

A day tat mark our 1st anni...

Our first anniversary was on monday 30 June 2008, but we went to have our buffet dinner at Sakura - tpy on Sun evening.. was very crowded n mayb its located in neighourhoon area.. many kaisu aunties tryin to rush ard for food.. make the whole place like market lol.. swear we wont go there again le.. keep tellin hubby..wat a 'romantic' nite we had...

We arranged a photo shoot with Foto-U , WaiPeng. Hoping to mark down these special day of us with nice pics.. Our session was actuali on 25Jun.. but due to Shawn n i had sore eyes.. n luckly i have a nice ger fren willing to exchange her session with me.. so i postpone our session to 2Jul..

Hubby n i was on leave 2Jul.. went out for bf then come back home at 11.30am.. then i start preparing le.. bb woke up at 12.30pm.. cryin for milk.. i heat up the ebm.. not in time for him.. he cry n scream .. luckly mil manage to calm him down n drink the milk in the car..

sometime i do feel a bit uneasy with mil keep holding on to baby.. like if we all go out together.. she will carry him til he wan milk n she have no choice but to pass Shawn to me.. i normali sit at the back seat with Shawn.. leavin him in the carrier.. n i play with him ... but with mil ard.. she will keep carryin him.. n sit behind.. she didn let shawn sit in the carrier..which i feel a bit unsafe lol.. mayb she is not sensitive enough to know how i feel ba.. i did try to take over bb.. by action only la.. but she jus dun get it.. or m i not obvious enough??

we reach Foto-U at 1.30pm.. a family was takin their pic.. so we waited til 2.10pm.. Shawn poo.. so i change for him.. Wai Peng come n told us.. she has no more booking after us.. so we can take our time.. heng lol.. cos after few shoot.. at 2.45pm.. Shawn started to get fussy.. wana slp le.. i make him slp a while.. mil ask me to put him on the stroller.. i put down he make noise.. then mil quickly pick him up to yao again le.. (Hummm!!)

Shawn woke up at 3.15pm.. we continue shooting.. he was the main character tat day.. all shoot was focusing on him.. then at 4pm.. again he cry.. this time for milk.. i feed him.. n he fall aslp soon.. manage to wake him up at 4.20pm.. quickly take out last few shoots.. tat ends our session le.. which last for 2.5hrs... when our package was only 1hr session.. all thanks to Wai Peng.. she reali nice.. keep making funny face to make our 'cool' shawn to smile.. which ends up still unsuccessful la.. keke

send shawn n mil home.. let shawn slp.. while hubby n i went compasspoint for dinner n shop shop..

return home at 8.30pm.. feed bb n rock him to sleep then...