Wednesday 23 July 2008

Shawn cry @ stranger... even...

Shawn can recognise ppl le.. He know whos the caretaker.. whos mummy n daddy...

Last sat when i went back my mummy place.. heng he still recognise wai po... but when mu brother come back. He wana carry shawn.. But Shawn burst out crying loud when my brother carry him.. tats when it starts...

At the lift when we goin back home.. he saw this malay gal.. Shawn stare at her hard... then when tat gal say " halo.. u r so cute..." there shawn goes again... crying out loud..

On Mon nite...( Shawn seldom c his ye ye) when my fil come back early.. i was siting at the living room carrying shawn on hand... then he come over to talk to shawn.. wana carry him.. b4 he carry him over.. shawn started crying again le... i quickly carry shawn again to calm him down first... after a while i try bring him to my fil again... n once again... he starts... My mil told me he oso cry when my bil wan carry him.. i was surprise at first.. after all we all stay together.. n yet shawn can dun recognise them... funny rite???

But last nite... Shawn seem to have recognise his ye ye le.... after few try for pass few days.. he let his ye ye to carry him le.. so nice..!!!

Everyone tell me to bring Shawn out more often in order to let him see more ppl. Train him not to scare of stranger. But is it necessary? i tot this is normal growth for baby... He jus dun come cry n dun recognise me... else i sure will cry with him de...



  1. ada cries when she long long never see her yeye and gong gong...but after talking to her for a while, she will be okie. we bring ada out every weekend to let her see and look around.

  2. Aven also cry when he see his gong gong, even sometimes also cry when my FIL wan to carry him. He is more stick to lady. I ask my neighbour b4, don't know is true or not, she said normally bf babies will let female carry them easily compare to men.
