Thursday 3 July 2008

Giddy spell!!

I kana this giddy spell ... since wed nite til NOW... went to c doc jus now.. was so worry i m preg.. hahaha!! but we did play safe la.. hehe... jus in case.. i did a preg test in the clinic la.. Is Negative (-)... so conclusion is... doc duno wat happen to me.. y i got this spinning...

MAYBE... due to my low blood count...or i didn drink enough fluid... or blood pressure too low... or i got not enough rest.... or.....

doc gave me medicine for giddiness n some iron table... was told to discard my bm after taking medicine.. jus in case it cause discomfort to bb...

jus taken my medicine.. gettin sleepy now le... later still need to go lesson.. my first lesson for corporate reporting... omg!! how to tahan til 9.45pm... luckly my dearest hubby will come to fatch me... he sure will surprise me with some supper de... hehe!!



  1. hope u are feeling better after the medication claudia :)

  2. hope u are better :D btw if really preggy oso a good news ahz =)

  3. thks ladies.. i do feel much better.. jus taken another round of medicine.. must discard my ebm later le... so wasted.. :)

    preggy = gd news!!! mai la... i haven restore my reserve ah.. wait bb cant absorb enough inside me.. no gd ba... i read best to have 2yr interval lol... to build up our body first

  4. so u planning fer 2nd one 2 yr later??

  5. wan to have 2nd one la.. but will let god plan for us ba.. hehe..
