Sunday 13 July 2008

Shawn @ 4 mth old

On 12th July, Shawn is 4 mth old le.. n I had officially taken his mitten off.. keke.. wan him to touch n feel stuffs ard him… he is so hapi without mitten.. tryin to put his whole hand into his mouth.. noti shawn..


On 12th July, Hubby n I brought Shawn out to shop for his “BMW”…(Keke) his walker.. went to hypermkt n babykingdom.. try him on few walker.. but he dun seen to b interested.. so we jus end up with a poonbear walker.. recommended by the sale girl… N I happen to c the FisherPrice jumperoo.. so try Shawn in it.. he was so excited by the musician toys n lights.. he wan to cry when we wan to carry him out… so I tot let him play a while .. n I went to paid for the walker… sec try to bring him out.. he still wana cry… no choice le.. quickly carry him n left the place.. tat Jumperpoo cost $230+.. hubby wana buy for Shawn.. since he likes it.. but I refuse.. thking where got place to put it… but come to thk.. I oso tot of getting for him…

Went back to my mummy place.. Shawn was so good boy tat day.. no nonsense.. can play happily with my mum.. but when his slpin time comes.. at 8.30pm.. he start his ‘singing’ le… we quickly pack n go home…


On sun 13Jul, hubby went to work OT.. wana earn extra $$.. while I stay at home to look after Shawn.. woke up at 8plus.. shawn poo poo.. n mil not at home.. so I take this opportunity to bath my bb… bathin shawn is nvr a problem to me.. hehe…then I try shawn in his walker… he can move backward le.. but our place reali too crowded for him to walk lol… jus few steps.. n his is block le.. must keep turning him ard… but very soon he starts to make noise le.. wan get up le..

Lookin after Shawn reali need lots of energy lol.. he dun slp so much in the day le.. n thk I must find more activity for him liao.. he make noise when he got bored I thk… slp for 15-30min is enough now.. I was so busy with him.. til duno wat to play with him.. I bring him to the garden… he was lookin at those kids playin at the playground.. so excited.. guess he wana join them ba.. haha..

Shawn’s Nite is nvr the same de… he normali slp after 9pm.. at the most by 10pm he will b aslp… then he will wake up in the middle of the nite.. sometime once or twice… I will change his diaper when he wake up… then carry him to feed him.. til he slp.. then put him down… early last wk.. I started telling story to shawn when I breastfeed him in the evening… then in the middle of the nite… he will wake up to TALK… make so much noise… hubby was telling me… I tell shawn story in the evening.. he listen.. then nite time wake up n tell me the story again… ( ya ya.. as if rite!!!) … when I read him a story.. he will pause his drinking.. mouth still struck at my breast la.. eye wide open lookin at me.. so cute de… my mum say shawn must b thkin.. I m so noisy n disturbin him… (haha…)

My brother, yeen teen n mum come over my place to c shawn yty… My bro haven seen Shawn for few wks le.. he cant even recognise the shawn pic I put at his com as wallpaper.. he say Shawn had change so much… somehow I see him everyday.. n didn reali notice he change a lot…


  1. So cute! Congrats on Turning 4 months!!!

  2. must wear mitten till 4 months? i thought can stop at around 1 or 2 months. they grow very fast hoh. so fast 4 months liao.

  3. he very cute now. I stop Aven from wearing mitten at about 1 months plus.

  4. No need to wait til 4mth than take off mitten.. jus tat now he wont got frustrated so easily.. wont scratch his face le.. n much easiler to cut his nails now.. I need to cut every other day.. else grow very fast de…

    Fast hor.. soon will b ur turn to share le..:)

  5. I removed my gal's mitten when she is 2mths wor! Hee... but she really likes to scratch her face loh!

  6. mayb tats y my shawn a bit slow in learnin ba.. he hate to b on tummy.. n still cant flip... only started to move his hand to grab toys in front of him recently...

  7. hehe, i remove at 2nd months too

  8. i think i remove 4 mths ... hahah cos dunno when to remove it haha .... you can actually rent a toy instead of buying ... renting id good cos everytime you can change the toy heehee ...

  9. hahah i remove matt's mitten @ just after 1 month. & claudia me too.. so tired looking after matt, alwyas need to find new things to play w him.always out of ideas...
    jumperoo so x ya.. i was quite keen also... ouch! think cancel the idea lah

  10. recent got a bp selling the jumperoo at $189 only.. So much cheaper.. I was so temp to buy de.. Hai.. Any suggestion wat activities we can do with this age baby ah???

  11. i dunno but i play peek a boo leh.. then i dunno frankly i play the game over and over again, he is not bored but i'm bored.

  12. hahaha... i oso find myself making monkey face jus to make him laugh... make til i oso duno wat expression to come out with le.. keke..
