Wednesday 2 July 2008

A day tat mark our 1st anni...

Our first anniversary was on monday 30 June 2008, but we went to have our buffet dinner at Sakura - tpy on Sun evening.. was very crowded n mayb its located in neighourhoon area.. many kaisu aunties tryin to rush ard for food.. make the whole place like market lol.. swear we wont go there again le.. keep tellin hubby..wat a 'romantic' nite we had...

We arranged a photo shoot with Foto-U , WaiPeng. Hoping to mark down these special day of us with nice pics.. Our session was actuali on 25Jun.. but due to Shawn n i had sore eyes.. n luckly i have a nice ger fren willing to exchange her session with me.. so i postpone our session to 2Jul..

Hubby n i was on leave 2Jul.. went out for bf then come back home at 11.30am.. then i start preparing le.. bb woke up at 12.30pm.. cryin for milk.. i heat up the ebm.. not in time for him.. he cry n scream .. luckly mil manage to calm him down n drink the milk in the car..

sometime i do feel a bit uneasy with mil keep holding on to baby.. like if we all go out together.. she will carry him til he wan milk n she have no choice but to pass Shawn to me.. i normali sit at the back seat with Shawn.. leavin him in the carrier.. n i play with him ... but with mil ard.. she will keep carryin him.. n sit behind.. she didn let shawn sit in the carrier..which i feel a bit unsafe lol.. mayb she is not sensitive enough to know how i feel ba.. i did try to take over bb.. by action only la.. but she jus dun get it.. or m i not obvious enough??

we reach Foto-U at 1.30pm.. a family was takin their pic.. so we waited til 2.10pm.. Shawn poo.. so i change for him.. Wai Peng come n told us.. she has no more booking after us.. so we can take our time.. heng lol.. cos after few shoot.. at 2.45pm.. Shawn started to get fussy.. wana slp le.. i make him slp a while.. mil ask me to put him on the stroller.. i put down he make noise.. then mil quickly pick him up to yao again le.. (Hummm!!)

Shawn woke up at 3.15pm.. we continue shooting.. he was the main character tat day.. all shoot was focusing on him.. then at 4pm.. again he cry.. this time for milk.. i feed him.. n he fall aslp soon.. manage to wake him up at 4.20pm.. quickly take out last few shoots.. tat ends our session le.. which last for 2.5hrs... when our package was only 1hr session.. all thanks to Wai Peng.. she reali nice.. keep making funny face to make our 'cool' shawn to smile.. which ends up still unsuccessful la.. keke

send shawn n mil home.. let shawn slp.. while hubby n i went compasspoint for dinner n shop shop..

return home at 8.30pm.. feed bb n rock him to sleep then...


  1. Wow, cant wait to see those photos wor! How much is the photo shoot and how many pixs?

  2. :) me too lookin forward to c those pics.. package cost $120.. n all pic return in high resolution in cd.. thk more than 200 pics...

  3. claudia: tat.s cheap.. can recomend me?
    we got same character MIL...

  4. Don't forget to show me the photos when u got it.
