Wednesday 25 February 2009

So tired!!

I miss my shawn.. 

Being busy with my catch up class since last sat.. full day lesson for sat n sun.. then evening lesson from mon til tdy.. thur..

Everynite..when i reach home.. shawn has already fall aslp le.. Thanks to my Dearest hubby.. he manage to make him to sleep every nite after his milk... tat reali lessen my stress load.. at least i can reach home..bath.. pump.. then sleep liao..

But.. i haven seen my darling shawn big smile for days le.. he will alway give me his warmest smile when i reach home after work everyday... but now he is sleeping le.. SAD :(

Shawn still get to see mummy every morning.. cos he wake up together with me.. n these two days.. he got a bit sticky to me every morning... refuse to le my mil to carry him away..while i rush to get ready for work... he didnt cry when i leave the home.. jus keep yell.. point at me.. want me to carry him.. NO TEAR.. heng.. not hum bao.. kekeke.. (hes a boy leh.. must b strong n brave ma)

Shawn bday bash is one this sunday.. so fast my little shawn is going 1 YO le.. i will miss his first yr.. :)

Everything is almost done.. expect decor to b done on tat day.. plus collection of cake, gas tank ...

Hope we can give him a enjoyable day :)

Shawn First try on Stawberry on 17 Feb 2009

Wednesday 18 February 2009

"Future Pick" for baby 1st bday ... help!!

I need experience mummies' advice... wats are the items n its meaning for bb to pick on his future ah??

i got a list from one of the forum mummy as follow:

1. Stethoscope - for a medical career

2. Calculator - for a career in the sciences.

3. Stamps - used in

China to authenticate documents, and if a child picks up the stamp, they will most likely become a high-ranking official or a person of great power.

4. Celery - the child will be hard-working, or "qin lao."


Orange - stands for fortune

6. Green onions - represent intelligence

7. Pen - will have a career in the literary arts (eg a writer, a scholar, or even a journalist)


What are some other items u have to add on??


I heard of Drumstick, ruler etc.. means wat ah??

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Crawling shawn..

in the kitchen.. taken on 1/2/2009


taken on 2/2/2009.. look at him.. my little bor have grow up so much le.. miss tat tiny little shawn.. now..MONSTER ah!!!

Sunday 8 February 2009

I m crying

I m crying inside me.. so sad so disappointed.. I duno how to pen down how bad I feel now…

received a bad news this morning.. my good pal (‘P’).. in process to divorce with her 12yr long relationship hubby.. tat guy (‘G’) told her… he love his 4mth long gf more then her now.. I feel the hurt when she told me this.. I cant imagine if seng told me this.. will I give him a big slap?? or will I b too shock to react??

G wan to divorce.. P suggest to go marriage counseling.. but G refused.. he give up le.. P try many ways to save this.. all bcos for their child…

I recall back.. last yr at this time.. we were expecting our bb together.. happily.. see the couple every wk during our prenatal course… how come things can jus change over less then 12 mths time?? y??

I attended a wedding last sat.. bride n groom was smiling all the way.. everyone was so happy.. everyone were blessing the newly wed.. does all the blessing last??

When every couple got marry.. can anyone forget wat happen on tat day?? how happy they were on tat wedding day… wat they have gone thro to reach tat stage of life?? When he decided to do something funny.. will all these flash back in his mind?? will he think twice b4 he do it?? does he rmb he still have a lovely bb at home?? how he will destroy the family ??

I sms seng.. I tell him I m affected.. I m upset.. he promise .. but .. but ..

Toys from Ikea

Went ikea yty morning.. decide to get shawn these toys.. a tank.. a rocky..n a soft ball..

he loves the soft ball.. n can even share it with pepper... haha.. n pepper can go get his own toy n xchg wit shawn for the ball.. so cute de.. hahaha

Alicia's wedding @ Merchant court on 7 Feb 2009

One of my buddy during poly time

This first wedding we attended for the year.. more to come..

was so happy to see so many "old" fren from poly times.. miss all of them.. *hugZ**

New Year dinner with Shawn's God ma

Ning wana give shawn something for new year.. meet up with us for dinner at compasspoint on 5th Feb 2008.

Didn took a pic of her.. all cos my noti shawn.. keep throwing stuffs onto the floor n wan us to pick it up for him... nothing can b place infront of him.. he will grab n throw.. make me so angry.. so daddy decided sat wedding dinner will not bring him along.. (so disappointed)

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Giselle's 1st Birthday

Start:     Mar 21, '09 4:00p
End:     Mar 21, '09 10:00p
@ Downtown East

Alicia's wedding

Start:     Feb 7, '09 7:00p
End:     Feb 7, '09 10:00p
@ Merchant court

Plan to bring shawn along.. but i m worry tat he might cry or fussy during the dinner... How??

Celebrating Shawn 1st bday

Start:     Mar 1, '09 1:00p
End:     Mar 1, '09 4:00p
@ home - Fernvale rd

Planned to do it here n there.. but still end up at home..(hahaha)

Schedule for tat day -
1pm - Buffet starts
2.30om - "futurePick"
3.30pm - Cake cutting
4pm - Party end

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Last time pumping in office

Suddenly.. this morning i rmb abt this.. i must record down.. the last day i bring my big bag.. with all the pump n bottle to office to pump...

n tats 29 Jan 2009.. the first day i return to work after chinese new year...

now i only latch shawn on every morning b4 i leave for work.. then evening go back i will pump once... can get abt 200-250ml only le.. slowly will stop pump .. n mayb keep to latch only...

difficult to wean off breastfeed... problem is not on shawn ... is MYSELF... i loves latching him on... how ah.. keke!!

Monday 2 February 2009

Our first Chinese new year with Shawn

I have so much to update. Posted lots of picture. Hoping to keep a record of shawn’s first cny with us. Where sld I start with…

Eve of eve of CNY.. 24Jan2009

Had my reunion dinner with my mummy at yishun. This year was a bit disappointed by my brother. He follow his gf to go back msia. At first he wana skip the dinner n jus go in. I complain abt how he can skip reunion dinner like that. N he say we have dinner every sat. So no different to him. But in the end, he ask my mummy to push forward the dinner to 4pm+. So he take his dinner le then go in… I know my mum was upset over this.. but wat to do.. u cant ctrl thing..

Eve of CNY..25Jan2009

Wake up as early as usual. Bring shawn down for a walk at 8am+ then got back at 9am for his breakfast cereal. Then we (hubby n I) went out for breakfast at Jalan Kayu prata shop.  Had our reunion first at 4pm+ then later hubby ah yi and jiu jiu with his family come. We had our first yu shen. Shawn slept as usual at 9.30+. while Hubby n I half aslp.. waiting for the count down.. haha.. Lucky I manage to wake up at 11.55pm.. in time to wake dear up to count down..

CNY Chu Yi… 26Jan2009

Wake up as usual n bring shawn for a walk. The park was so quiet. Only a silly mummy n tutu shawn walking at the park. Let him play the slide..walk ard the playground.. Went back home to let him eat his breakfast n bath then slp.. while hubby n I went out for Prata shop..AGAIN.. Got home n wait for shawn to wake up n bring him to Wai Po hse. My mum working in the morning. Hence can only go in the late afternoon. Mum cook for us to eat. Stay there til evening.. then we went back.

Everyone waiting for us to go home. To get reali to go to Seng’s Aunty place. Shawn happen to see one of Seng’s cousin boy who is 15mth old le.. he was so active. N keep wana hug shawn. I was trying to hold on to shawn to prevent him hurting shawn. N end up he still bang his head on shawn’s. Luckly shawn got train at home de.. haha (Rmb I say he will knock his head on the wall when I tell him to b careful..else wait knock head on wall pain pain de..tats how he train..hehe)

CNY Chu Er.. 27Jan2009

Shawn woke up for milk very early tdy..then got back to slp..n woke up again at 8.30a.. I tot tats good.. since he woke up late.. we can go ZOO.. n skip his morning nap.. I M WRONG..

we reach the Zoo at 11am.. very crowded n weather was hot.. shawn refuse to sit in the stroller after a while.. so I got to carry him.. he refuse to let daddy to carry oso.. he only see MOVING animal.. white tiger.. stationery there.. he cant see.. n keep looking at the fishes in the water..*faint** he start to get cracky after a while.. to the must b hungry.. quickly went to get some hot water.. n mix the instant rice cereal for him.. he ate very fast.. mouth after mouth… then when come to last mouth.. he burp out one big mouth of cereal… n everything flow to his new romper.. I got so kan cheong.. n starter scolding daddy.. hahaha.. (crazy me!!)

Quickly went to the nearby KFC.. stand by the side of the basin n change him.. no body bother to give up their seat for us.. even a not a empty chair.. they use it to put their bags n refuse to give up for us.. hai.. sporean..

Soon shawn fall aslp in his stroller le.. we carry on our walk.. bought him a hat.. but he was sleeping.. miss all the toys..

Went back home to fatch my mum to er yi place.. shawn was having fun at her place..

Then we went to Ang Bao river.. shawn was so tired then.. slept in the car..

CNY Chu San… 28Jan2009

So fast..chu san le.. bring my mum to sentosa today.. she loves the flower.. I wana go cos shawn was in me last yr.. we went there.. so this yr I wan he b there.. n see the flower himself..

weather was so hot.. n I tot let him kick the water at the fountain.. n end up.. he loves it.. n got himself all wet.. got to change him again..

Met one of the online bubby danadele.. and see her baby gid.. I cant recognise her.. I m reali lousy in rmb faces… Lucky she call out my name.. else I wld have miss the chance to see her J

Started work on thur.. hubby still on leave.. (so envy!!) He drove me to work.. as usual whenever he is on leave.. had our breakfast at the nearby coffeeshop.. then he went fishing at 17th avenue. N he catch a big fish.. think got 3kg ba.. he was so excited.. call to tell me.. n there goes his story..(repeat again n again.. my lo so ah lau.. haha!!)

CNY Chu Qi.. 2Feb2009

Bring shawn to swim at 5pm.. Cos mil complain abt water too cold in the morning.. so we change it to evening swim.. (water is still very cold lol) he enjoy the swim le.. refuse to use the float after we took him out from the float.. he can reach the baby pool.. can walk even in his float.. haha.. my shawn has grow up a lot ba.. sld measure him once of these days..

then went back for dinner as usual.. then hurry dear,.. to bath.. cos I wan go down to wait for the chinggay neighbour parade.. net say the vehicle will pass by at 8.45 -9.15pm.. wait n wait.. but still nothing.. 9.30pm.. we go back home.. so disappointed.. tot shawn can see the mei mei car car… cos he start asking for nah nah le.. so got to go home…

was feeding him in our bedroom.. which window face the yio chu kang rd.. at 10.30pm.. saw those vehicle pass by le.. n shawn is sleeping le.. %^&#*!%^…